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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/36180392.
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David M. - Carinci M. - De Togni S. - Graziano M.S. - Lombardo D. - Milani G.P. 2015, "Pavimenti tra Adriano e Teodosio a Ostia antica: note analitiche e modalita costruttive", Atti del XX colloquio dell'Associazione italiana per lo studio e la conservazione del mosaico (C. Angelelli - A. Paribeni eds.), 603-612, Tivoli.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/9978927.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/40471903.
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David M. - De Togni S. - Frigato E. 2022, "Uomini e cavalli a Ostia antica", VIII ciclo di studi medievali, 78-84, Firenze.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/81631320.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/42253116.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/36180343.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/40385983/.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/50146290.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/49541943.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/40529420.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/14820717.
David M. - Succi S. - Turci M. 2018, "First Remarks about the Pavement of the Newly Discovered Mithraeum of the Colored Marbles at Ostia and New Investigations on Roman and Late Roman White and Colored Marbles from Insula IV, ix", Interdisciplinary Studies of Ancient Stone. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference of ASMOSIA (Daniela Matetic Poljak - Katja Marasovic eds.), 33-43, Split.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/37725832.
David M. - Turci M. 2011, "Testacea spicata Tiburtina. Nuove osservazioni da recenti indagini ostiensi", Atti del XVI Colloquio dell'associazione italiana per lo studio e la conservazione del mosaico, 267-275, Tivoli.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/14167470.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/32433590.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/38618301.
Davidde Petriaggi B. - Flamini M.G. - Petriaggi R. - Fazio G. - Altieri A. 2013, "The restoration of the Domus of the Mithraeum of the Painted Walls: a methodological approach", Built Heritage, 549-555, Milano.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/5399818.
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Comment: Ph.D. thesis available for consultation in the Bodleian library. A.E. Davies = A. Cooley.
Davis C.H.S. 1912, "Excavations at Ostia", Am. antiquarian and oriental journal 34.
De Angelis d'Ossat G. 1938, "Scoperta di un elefante fossile a Castel Fusano, Ostia", L'Urbe 3,5, 2-4.
De Angelis F. et al. 2020, "Dietary Landscape of the Community of Castel Malnome (Rome, 1st-3rd Centuries CE)", Karivieri 2020, 427-436.
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Comment: Full text: https://books.openedition.org/efr/3642.
De Coetlogon Williams P.F. 1976, "Roman Harbours", Nautical Archaeology 5, 73-79.
De Fazio G. 1828, Discorso 2o intorno al sistema di costruzione dei porti, concernente alcune ricerche sopra gli antichi porti d'Ostia, Napoli.
Comment: Full text: https://ia800209.us.archive.org/9/items/bub_gb_AcknwcR8hSEC/bub_gb_AcknwcR8hSEC.pdf.
De Fino M.G. 1994, "Dedica dei 'nauclarii' ad un duoviro di Ostia", Epigrafia e territorio. Politica e societa. Temi di antichita romane (ed. M. Pani) 3, 37-50, Bari.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/8604208.
De Fino M.G. 1996, "Gli Aquilii di Ostia e la Spes", Epigrafia e territorio. Politica e societa. Temi di antichita romane (ed. M. Pani) 4, 31-50, Bari.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/8614541.
De Franceschini M. 2005, Ville dell'Agro romano, Roma.
De Haan N. - Mols S.T.A.M. 1998, "Wonen in de havenstad. Domus en insulae in Ostia", Hermeneus 70,2, 95-103.
Comment: Full text: http://images.tresoar.nl/bibl-collectie/Hermeneus/Jaargang%2070/7002/7002.pdf. In Dutch.
De La Bedoyere G. 2006, "Isola Sacra. Ostia's island necropolis", Minerva 17,6, 33-34.
De La Bedoyere G. 2010, Cities of Roman Italy. Pompeii, Herculaneum and Ostia, London.
De Maria S. 1988, Gli Archi Onorari di Roma e dell'Italia romana, Roma.
Comment: Ostia: 129, 144, 161-162, 175, 192-193, 245-247, 337; Portus: 65, 67, 69, 84-85, 123, 161, 166, 247-248.
De Montfaucon B. 1702, Diarium Italicum, 261, Paris.
Comment: Full text: https://books.google.nl/books?id=Y14GAAAAQAAJ. On the Isola Sacra necropolis.
De Nisi G. 1982, Ostia, Lido di Roma, Lido di Ostia.
De Nisi G. 1985, Seguendo l'antica Via Severiana - Il litorale da Ostia a Pratica, Lido di Ostia.
De Paolis M. 2010, "Ius sepulcrorum a Ostia: consuntivi tematici ragionati", ArchCl 61, 583-629.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/44367796?seq=1.
De Rita D. - Funiciello R. - Parotto M. 1988, "Carta geologica del Complesso Vulcanico dei Colli Albani (Vulcano Laziale). Scala 1:50.000", C.N.R., P.F.G., Gruppo Naz. per la Vulcanologia, Roma.
Comment: General history of the volcano of Lazio, with map at scale 1:50.000.
De Rita D. - Milli S. - Rosa C. - Zarlenga F. 1991, "Un'ipotesi di correlazione tra la sedimentazione lungo la costa tirrenica della Campagna Romana e l'attivita vulcanica dei Colli Albani (Pleistocene medio-superiore)", Prog. Strategico Crosta Profonda, Sottoprogetto CROP 11. Studi Geol. Camerti, Vol.Spec., 343-350.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/de-rita/de-rita-1991.pdf. A model linking Quaternary volcanic development with coastal evolution of Lazio.
De Robertis F.M. 1987, "Contributi alla storia delle corporazioni a Roma: prima parte. III - Statuto di un collegio funerario ostiense", Scritti varii di diritto romano 2, 57-62, Bari.
Comment: Reprint from AnnBari 6 (1933).
De Rossi G.B. 1864, "Ostia, Sepolcri Cristiani", BACrist 2, 40.
Comment: Full text: https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bacr1864.
De Rossi G.B. 1866, "I monumenti cristiani di Porto", BACrist 4, 37-51, 99-100.
Comment: Full text: https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bacr1866.
De Rossi G.B. 1867, "Iscrizione ritrovata in Ostia di un M. Anneo Paolo Pietro e le relazioni tra Paolo l'apostolo e Seneca", BACrist 5, 6-8.
Comment: Full text: https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bacr1867. See also http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/paulus/paulus.pdf.
De Rossi G.B. 1868, "Epigrafe storica scoperta in Porto alludente agli ultimi spettacoli gladiatorii ed alla loro abolizione", BACrist 6, 84-87.
Comment: Full text: https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bacr1868.
De Rossi G.B. 1868, "Insigne lucerna di bronzo trovata negli scavi di Porto", BACrist 6, 77-84.
Comment: Full text: https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bacr1868.
De Rossi G.B. 1868, "Utensili cristiani scoperti in Porto", BACrist 6, 33-44.
Comment: Full text: https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bacr1868. Includes descriptions of glass vessels.
De Rossi G.B. 1870, "Lucerne cristiane, trovate fra molti e preziosi arnesi d'arte profana in una casa antica di Ostia", BACrist 8, 77-85.
Comment: Full text: https://ia801000.us.archive.org/34/items/bullettinodiarchs2v13roma/bullettinodiarchs2v13roma.pdf. The finds were made in the Caseggiato dei Molini.
De Rossi G.B. 1871, "Epigrafe d'un sacro donario in lettere d'argento sopra tabella di bronzo", BACrist 2,2, 65-70.
Comment: Full text: https://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/bacr1871.
De Ruyt C. 1983, Macellum. Marche alimentaire des romains, Louvain-la-Neuve.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/de-ruyt/de-ruyt-1983.pdf. Ostia: 115-124.
De Ruyt C. 1995, "Ricerche archeologiche nel tempio dei Fabri Navales a Ostia", Archeologia Laziale 12, 401-406.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/de-ruyt/de-ruyt-1995.pdf.
De Ruyt C. 1996, "Un exemple de discontinuite des fonctions monumentales dans un quartier de la ville romaine d'Ostie (Reg. III, Ins. II)", RBArch 65, 5-16.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/de-ruyt/de-ruyt-1996.pdf.
De Ruyt C. 1998, "La ville romaine d'Ostie. Aspects de la vie quotidienne dans l'Antiquite, reveles par les fouilles belges", Horizons December.
De Ruyt C. 1999, "Fasi successive di rialzamento individuate nello scavo dei Fabri Navales", Meded 58, 65.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
De Ruyt C. 2001, "Les foulons, artisans des textiles et blanchisseurs", Descoeudres J.-P. 2001, 186-191.
De Ruyt C. 2002, "Boulangers et foulons d'Ostie a l'epoque imperiale. Quelques reflexions sur l'implantation de leurs ateliers et sur leurs fonctions precises dans la ville portuaire", Les artisans dans la ville antique, 49-53, Paris.
De Ruyt C. 2014, "Ostia antica. Una grande fullonica e altri edifici piu antichi sotto il tempio collegiale dei Fabri Navales", Forma Urbis 19,1, 34-39.
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De Ruyt F. 1936, "La necropole romaine de l'Isola Sacra et l'archigalle de Cybele", EtCl 5, 25-34.
Comment: Reprinted in Scripta Minora, Inst. Sup. d'Archeol. et d'Histoire de l'Art, Louvain 1975, 103-112.
De Ruyt F. 1948, "La cour interieure dans l'evolution de la maison romaine", AntCl 17, 519-524.
Comment: Full text: https://www.persee.fr/doc/antiq_0770-2817_1948_num_17_1_2861.
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De Salvo L. 1992, Economia privata e pubblici servizi nell'Impero romano. I corpora naviculariorum, Messina.
De Sena E.C. 2003, "Seeing the trees and the forest. Toward a more refined understanding of socio-cultural systems in Classical Antiquity: the case of olive oil", Archaeologiae: Research by Foreign Missions in Italy 1, 11-32.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/16030797.
De Sena E.C. - Bukowiecki E. - Dessales H. - Dubouloz J. - Poccardi G. 2007, "The Ecole Francaise de Rome Castellum Aquae Project at Ostia (2003-2005): an interim report", Archaeologiae: Research by Foreign Missions in Italy 3.1, 11-33.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/9149894.
De Sena E.C. - Martin A. 2005, "Agricultural and craft supplies in late Roman Ostia: pottery evidence from the DAI/AAR excavations", Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and Archaeometry, BAR (J.M. Gurt - J. Buxeda - M.A. Cau eds.) 1340, 385-394, Oxford.
De Sena E.C. - Rivello E. 2007, "Refuse or re-use? Analysis and interpretation of a pottery deposit excavated near the acqueduct of Ostia antica", Old pottery in a new century. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi Catania 2004 (D. Malfitana - J. Poblome - J. Lund eds.), 363-375, Roma.
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Comment: Full text: http://www.bhir-ihbr.be/doc/12_ostia_antica.pdf.
De Togni S. - Carinci M. - Pappalardo C. 2018, "Uso e riuso dei marmi nei pavimenti delle Terme dello scheletro a Ostia", Atti del XXIII colloquio dell'Associazione italiana per lo studio e la conservazione del mosaico (Narni, 15-18 marzo 2017) (C. Angelelli, C. Cecalupo, M. Erba, D. Massara, F. Rinaldi eds.), 361-370, Roma.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/99564870.
De Togni S. - Graziano M.S. - Rosati C. 2019, "Arredi e apparati pavimentali nel Caseggiato delle due scale di Ostia", Atti del XXIV colloquio dell'Associazione italiana per lo studio e la conservazione del mosaico (Este, 14-17 marzo 2018), 393-400, Roma.
De Togni S. - Melega A. 2020, "Nuovi contributi per lo studio della topografia religiosa di Ostia tardoantica", Seminari di topografia antica e medievale per Letizia Ermini Pani (D. Cavallo - L. Migliorati - F.R. Stasolla eds.), 1-19, Citta di Castello.
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Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
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Comment: Full text: http://bollettinodiarcheologiaonline.beniculturali.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/8.-V_2014_2-De-Vico-Fallani-18.02.2015.pdf.
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Comment: Full text: http://bollettinodiarcheologiaonline.beniculturali.it/numero-2-2014-anno-v/.
De Visscher F. 1963, Le droit des tombeaux romains, Milano.
Comment: Includes re-publication of 'La fondation funeraire de Iunia Libertas d'apres une inscription d'Ostie', Studi in onore di S. Solazzi, Napoli 1948, 542 ff.
Degrassi A. 1937-1947, Inscriptiones Italiae. Fasti et elogia, 13, 173-241, Roma.
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Deichmann F.W. (bearbeitet von G. Bovini und H. Brandenburg) 1967, "Rom und Ostia", Repertorium der christlich-antiken Sarkophage 1, Wiesbaden.
Reviews: J. Engemann, Gnomon 41 (1969), 489-494; J.B. Ward-Perkins, JThS 22 (1971), 586; P.A. Fevrier, RHistEccl 65 (1970), 502; L. Reekmans, BZ 63 (1970), 123-126; H. Hunger, DLZ 90 (1969), 63- 65; E. Kitzinger, JAC 11-12 (1968-1969), 191-198; P.P.V. Van Moorsel, BABesch 44 (1969), 217 f.; K. Wessel, Gymnasium 76 (1969), 380-382; BibO 27 (1970), 134.
Del A. - Schoevaert J. 2014, "Les apports d'un modele conceptuel de donnees a l'etude des composantes urbaines d'Ostie", Archeologia e Calcolatori. Actes des 3emes journees d'informatique et archeologie de Paris, JIAP 2012 (Paris, 1-2 juin 2012) Suppl. 5, 238-246, Paris.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/del/del-2014.pdf.
DeLaine J. 1995, "The Insula of the Paintings at Ostia 1.4.2-4. Paradigm for a city in flux", Urban Life in Roman Italy (ed. T.J. Cornell and K. Lomas), 79-106, London.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/delaine/delaine-1995a.pdf.
DeLaine J. 1996, "The Insula of the Paintings. A model for the economics of construction in Hadrianic Ostia", Gallina Zevi 1996, 165-184.
DeLaine J. 1999, "High Status Insula Apartments in Early Imperial Ostia - a Reading", Meded 58, 175-189.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
DeLaine J. 2001, "Bricks and mortar: exploring the economics of building techniques at Rome and Ostia", Economics beyond agriculture in the classical world (D.J. Mattingly - J. Salmon eds.), 250-268, London - New York.
DeLaine J. 2001, "Techniques et industrie de la construction a Ostie", Descoeudres J.-P. 2001, 91-99.
DeLaine J. 2002, "Building activity in Ostia in the second century AD", Ostia e Portus nelle loro relazioni con Roma (C. Bruun - A.G. Zevi eds.). ActaInstRomFin 27, 41-102, Roma.
Comment: Full text: https://archive.org/details/ostiaeportusnell0000unse.
DeLaine J. 2003, "The builders of Roman Ostia: organization, status and society", Proceedings 1st Int. Congr. on Construction History II, 723-732, Madrid.
Comment: Full text: http://www.sedhc.es/biblioteca/actas/CIHC1_072_DeLaine%20J.pdf and http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/delaine/delaine-2003.pdf.
DeLaine J. 2004, "Designing for a market: 'medianum' apartments at Ostia", JRA 17, 146-176.
DeLaine J. 2005, "The commercial landscape of Ostia", Roman Working Lives and Urban Living (A. MacMahon and J. Price eds.), 29-47, Oxford.
DeLaine J. 2006, "Baths and Bathing in Late Antique Ostia", Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Boston 2003 (C.C. Mattusch - A.A. Donohue - A. Brauer eds.), 338-343, Oxford.
DeLaine J. 2012, "Housing in Roman Ostia", Contested Spaces. Houses and Temples in Roman Antiquity and the New Testament (D.L. Balch - A. Weissenrieder eds.), 327-354, Tuebingen.
DeLaine J. 2016, "Ostia", A Companion to Roman Italy (A. Cooley ed.), 417-438, Wiley Blackwell.
DeLaine J. 2018, "Economic choice in Roman construction: case studies from Ostia", Constructing Monuments, Perceiving Monumentality and the Economics of Building (A. Brysbaert - V. Klinkenberg - A. Gutierrez Garcia-M. and I. Vikatou eds.), 243-269, Leiden.
DeLaine J. 2018, "Street Plaques (and Other Signs) at Ostia", Visual Histories: Essays in Honour of R.R.R. Smith (C.M. Draycott - R. Raj - K. Welch - W. Wootton eds.), 331-343, Turnhout.
DeLaine J. 2020, "Apartment Living in Second Century Ostia", Karivieri 2020, 95-101.
DeLaine J. 2021, "Building for the Gods: the Capitolium at Ostia", Building BIG - constructing economies, 77-80, Heidelberg.
DeLaine J. 2023, "Diversity and Individuality in the 2nd Century Insulae of Ostia. Case Studies from around the Capitolium", Insulae in context, 259-276, Basel.
DeLaine J. - Hori Y. 2020, "Embellishing the Streets of Ostia", Kamermans - Van der Meer 2020, 65-81.
DeLaine J. - Wilkinson D. 1999, "The House of Jove and Ganymede", Meded 58, 77-79.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=ho.
DeLaine J. - Wilkinson D. 1999, "The Reading Ostia Project: Excavation and Survey in Insula I,IV, Ostia", Meded 58, 19.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Delgado H. 1999, "Ostia antica. O espaco arqueologico-museologico. Uma experiencia educativa. Um outro modo de ver", APort 17, 225-241.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/delgado/delgado-1999.pdf.
Delile H. - Salomon F. 2020, "Palaeotsunami deposits at the Tiber River mouth (Ostia Antica, Italy): Do they really exist?", Earth-science reviews 208, 1-19.
Delile H. et al. 2014, "Geochemical investigation of a sediment core from the Trajan basin at Portus, the harbor of ancient Rome", Quaternary Science Reviews 87, 34-45.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/12442088.
Delile H. et al. 2017, "Rome's urban history inferred from Pb-contaminated waters trapped in its ancient harbor basins", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114,38, 10059-10064.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26487939.
Deliperi A.C. 1951, "L'Albergo di S. Agostino a Ostia", Pantheon 5, 372-373.
Della Corte M. - Ciprotti P. 1961, "Inscriptiones parietales Ostienses", StDocHistIur 27, 322, 324-341.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/della-corte/della-corte-1961.pdf.
Dello Russo J. 2010, "The Monteverde Jewish Catacombs on the via Portuense", Roma Subterranea Judaica, 1-37.
Comment: Full text: http://www.catacombsociety.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/The_Monteverde_Jewish_Catacombs_on_the_v.pdf.
Dello Russo J. 2014, "Recent Studies on the Jewish Catacombs of Monteverde in Rome: A Review Article", Sefer yuhasin, 9-63.
Comment: Full text: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/3d0c/dcf90e8de3142e4024c924dc0617ae4237e9.pdf.
Deltenre F.-D. 2005, "L'Augusteum de la caserne des vigiles d'Ostie. Analyse d'un temple du culte imperial", Folia Electronica Classica 10,2, Louvain-la-Neuve.
Comment: Full text: http://bcs.fltr.ucl.ac.be/FE/10/Ostie/Augusteum2.htm.
Dennison W. 1910, "The latest dated inscription from Lavinium", CPh 5, 285.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/262151?seq=1.
Deonna W. 1912, "Bronzes du Musee de Geneve", RA 20,2, 32-42.
Comment: Full text: https://ia801605.us.archive.org/28/items/in.ernet.dli.2015.530576/2015.530576.revue-archeologique.pdf.
Deonna W. 1915-1916, "Ville de Geneve. Musee d'Art et d'Histoire. Catalogue des bronzes figures antiques", Indicateur d'Antiquites Suisses, 1-74.
Comment: Full text: https://www.e-periodica.ch/cntmng?var=true&pid=zak-002:1915:17::465 and https://www.e-periodica.ch/cntmng?pid=zak-002:1916:18::412.
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Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/12055748. Portus: 29, 65, 67, 297.
Depeyrot G. 1983, "Problemes arlesiens du IVe s. (313-348)", SNR 62, 47-63.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/depeyrot/depeyrot-1983.pdf.
Deru X. - Desbat A. - Dienst S. - Mainet G. - Motta L. 2018, "La ceramica della Schola del Traiano a Ostia Antica", Ostia Antica. Nouvelles etudes et recherches sur les quartiers occidentaux de la cite (C. de Ruyt, T. Morard, F. van Haeperen eds.), Roma-Leuven.
Comment: Full text: http://www.bhir-ihbr.be/doc/06_ostia_antica_deru.pdf.
Deru X. - Desbat A. - Mainet G. - Motta L. 2016, "Deux ensembles augusteens, fouilles sous la Schola du Trajan a Ostie", RCRF 44, 115-125.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/33114080.
Desbat A. 2010, "Le port d'Ostie sur un medaillon d'applique rhodanien signe Felix", Oleum non perdidit: Festschrift fr Stefanie Martin-Kilcher zu ihrem 65. Geburtstag, 347-351, Basel.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/desbat/desbat-2010.pdf.
Descoeudres J.-P. 2005, "La vignette d'Ostie dans la Tabula Peutingeriana", Genava 53, 77-84.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/descoeudres/descoeudres-2005.pdf.
Descoeudres J.-P. (ed.) 2001, Ostie - port et porte de la Rome antique, Geneve.
Reviews: A. Claridge, JRS 93 (2003), 321-322; S.T.A.M. Mols, JRA 18 (2005), 621-623; A.E. Cooley, CR 55,1 (2005), 362.
Comment: Book and catalogue accompanying the exhibition 'Ostia. Port de la Rome antique', Geneve, Musee Rath, 23/2 - 22/7 2001.
Despy G. 1951, "La Rocca di Ostia. Dati e forme architettoniche", BdA 36, 277-279.
Comment: Full text: http://www.bollettinodarte.beniculturali.it/opencms/multimedia/BollettinoArteIt/documents/1468844878250_18_-_Despy_277.pdf.
Dessau H. 1887, Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum XIV, Berlin.
Comment: Full text: https://arachne.dainst.org/entity/2460451.
Dessau H. 1913, "Iscrizioni Ostiensi falsamente credute inedite", RM, 192-194.
Comment: Full text: https://archive.org/details/mitteilungendesk28kaisrich.
Di Bella F.F. 2017, "L'erma di Temistocle da Ostia. Una nuova interpretazione", Peloro 2,1, 5-22.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/34071612.
Di Cesare R. 2017, "Il ritratto di Temistocle, dal Cinosarge a Ostia", Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente 95, 227-255.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/39340832.
Di Giuseppe H. 2011, "I contesti ceramici della basilica portuense. Dati preliminari", Keay - Paroli 2011, 191-210.
Di Giuseppe H. - Maiorano M. 2013, "I contesti ceramici di eta romana, medievale e moderna della Basilica Portuense", La Basilica Portuense, scavi 1991 - 2007 (M. Maiorano - L. Paroli eds.), 585-617, Firenze.
Di Giuseppe H. - Serlorenzi M. 2008, "La via Campana e le acque violate", Journal of Fasti Online Folder 107.
Comment: Full text: http://www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2008-107.pdf.
Di Martino V. - Belati M. 1980, Qui arrivo il Tevere, Roma.
Comment: Overview of the historical Tiber overflows in Rome (and therefore: in Ostia).
Di Mento M. - Patella E. - Rinaldi A. 2018, "Contesti tardoantichi dagli scavi Squarciapino della Sinagoga di Ostia antica (anni 1961-1963)", Ostia Antica. Nouvelles etudes et recherches sur les quartiers occidentaux de la cite (C. de Ruyt, T. Morard, F. van Haeperen eds.), Roma-Leuven.
Comment: Full text: http://www.bhir-ihbr.be/doc/15_ostia_antica.pdf.
Di Mino M.R. 1975, "Un mosaico a soggetto marino dalla villa rustica di Risaro", BdA 60, 103-104.
Comment: Full text: http://www.bollettinodarte.beniculturali.it/opencms/multimedia/BollettinoArteIt/documents/1527689051807_10_M._R._Di_Mino_103.pdf.
Di Rita F. - Celant A. - Conati Barbaro C. 2011, "Interazioni tra clima, ambiente e uomo nell'evoluzione olocenica del delta del Tevere: dati paleobotanici e ritrovamenti archeologici", SocGeolIt 18.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/7120431.
Di Rita F. - Celant A. - Magri D. 2010, "Holocene environmental instability in the wetland north of the Tiber delta (Rome, Italy): sea-lake-man interactions", Journal of Paleolimnology 44,1, 51-67.
Di Santo S. 2011, "Portus tardo-antica. Nuovi dati dai reperti dell'Antemurale", Keay - Paroli 2011, 147-189.
Di Stefano-Manzella I. 1985, "Indice delle iscrizioni latine ostiensi conservate nei Musei Vaticani", BMonMusPont 5, 55-59.
Di Stefano-Manzella I. 2008, "L. Volusius L.f. qui et ancharius e la famiglia senatoria dei Volusii Saturnini. Nota sull'iscrizione CIL, XIV, 178 (Ostia)", BMonMusPont 26, 63-83.
Di Stefano-Manzella I. 2010, "I Volusii tra Roma, Ostia, Ferentium, Lucus Feroniae, Ocriculum", Archeologia nella Tuscia. Atti dell'Incontro di studio, 187-210, Viterbo.
Diani S. 2022, "La Necropoli Laurentina di Ostia: ricostruzione di un contesto", Storie interrotte. Riconoscere e valorizzare il patrimonio dimenticato, 61-69, Padova.
Diani S. 2023, La decorazione pittorica e in stucco della necropoli laurentina di Ostia, Heidelberg.
Comment: Full text: https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/propylaeum/catalog/book/1174.
Dickmann J.-A. 1987, Spaetes Wohnen in Ostia, Muenchen.
Comment: Magisterarbeit.
Dienst S. - Frere G. 2022, "Apprehender l'etude du verre des parcelles du Tempio dei Fabri Navales et de la Schola del Traiano", Ad Ostium Tiberis. Proceedings of the conference Ricerche Archeologiche alla Foce del Tevere, 331-350, Leuven.
Dienst S. - Morard T. - Wastiau C. 2019, "Un mosaico ostiense di prima eta imperiale poco noto. L'ambiente 81 della 'Domus a peristilio' (IV,V,16)", Atti del XXIV Colloquio dell'AISCOM, 401-408, Roma.
Comment: Full text: https://orbi.uliege.be/bitstream/2268/225384/1/401-408_Dienst_et_al.pdf.
Diepolder H. 1943, "Das Bildnis des Themistokles aus Ostia", Pantheon 31, 114.
Dixon S. 1992, "A woman of substance. Iunia Libertas of Ostia", Helios 19, 162-174.
Dobo A. 1975, Inscriptiones extra fines Pannoniae Daciaeque repertae ad res earundem proviciarum pertinentes, Budapest.
Comment: Several inscriptions from Ostia, e.g. nrs. 126, 276, 330, 412, 466, 485, etc.
Docci A. - Tempesta C. - Danesi A. 2024, "Il riordino dei mosaici staccati di Ostia: nuovi dati per la conoscenza e prospettive per la valorizzazione", Atti AISCOM 29, 71-83.
Donadoni S. 1955, "Una statuetta egiziana da Ostia", Studi in memoria di L. Rosellini nel primo centenario della morte, 4 giugno 1943, pubblicati a cura dell'Universita di Pisa 2, 57-71.
Comment: Is this inv. nr. 208?.
Donadoni S. 1986, "Una statuetta egiziana da Ostia", Cultura dell'antico Egitto. Scritti di Sergio F. Donadoni, 267-279, Roma.
Donati A. (ed.) 1998, Romana Pictura. La pittura romana dalle origini all'eta bizantina, Venezia.
Comment: Cat. nrs. and plates 61 and 62 are paintings from the Porta Laurentina necropolis.
Dondin-Payre M. 1993, Exercise du pouvoir et continuite gentilice. Les Acilii Glabriones, Rome.
Comment: Full text: https://www.persee.fr/doc/efr_0000-0000_1993_mon_180_1.
Dondin-Payre M. 2022, "Arrive a bon port! Le quotidien des voyageurs sur l'eau dans le monde romain, reflete par l'epigraphie", Dialogues d'histoire ancienne. Supplement 25, 151-163.
Comment: Full text: https://www.persee.fr/doc/dha_2108-1433_2022_sup_25_1_5294.
Dorigo W. 1971, Late Roman Painting. A Study of Pictorial Records 30 BC - AD 500, London.
Draeger O. 1994, "Religionem significare. Studien zu reich verzierten roemischen Altaeren und Basen aus Marmor", MdI Ergaenzungsheft 33, Mainz.
Comment: Ostia: 123-124, 231-233.
Dragone F. - Maino A. - Malatesta A. - Segre A.G. 1967, Note illustrative della C.G.I. alla scala 1:100.000. Foglio 149 (Cerveteri); Serv.Geol.d'It..
Comment: Explanatory notes of the geological map at scale 1:100.000, including map of the historical coastal development.
Drerup H. 1961, "Das Themistoklesportraet in Ostia", MarbWPr, 21-28.
Drerup H. 1988, "Das Themistoklesportraet in Ostia", Griech. Portraets (K. Fittschen ed.), 286-293, Darmstadt.
Drescher H. 1988, "Roemisches Schreibgeraet aus dem Hafen von Ostia Antica", ArchKorrBl 18, 285-289.
Drescher H. 1989, "Roemisches Schreibgeraet aus dem Hafen von Ostia Antica", AntW 20,1, 59-60.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/44432410?seq=1.
Dresken-Weiland J. 1998, Repertorium der christlich-antiken Sarkophage. Italien mit einem Nachtrag Rom und Ostia (Th. Ulbert ed.), 2, Mainz.
Reviews: R. Turcan, EtCl 67 (1999), 317; M. Dennert, JRA 13 (2000), 746-751.
Drost V. 2008, "Le monnayage d'or de Maxence a l'atelier d'Ostie: a propos de l'aureus au type Pax Aeterna Aug N", RN 164, 269-296.
Comment: Full text: http://www.persee.fr/doc/numi_0484-8942_2008_num_6_164_2854.
Drost V. 2011, "Les fractions du nummus frappees a Rome et a Ostie sous le regne de Maxence (306-312 ap. J.-C.)", Proceedings of the XIVth International Numismatic Congress, 635-644, Glasgow.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/1520162.
Drost V. 2014, "L'atelier monetaire d'Ostie (308/309-313 ap. J.-C.)", MEFRA 126.
Comment: Full text: https://journals.openedition.org/mefra/2182.
Du Rieu 1863, "Ostia, Rome's havenstad", De Gids 27, Leiden.
Comment: In Dutch. Full text: https://books.google.nl/books?id=D1crxTdAx2wC and in three parts: https://www.dbnl.org//_gid001186/_gid001186301_01_0016.php, https://www.dbnl.org//_gid001186/_gid001186301_01_0040.php, https://www.dbnl.org//_gid001186/_gid001186301_01_0033.php.
Ducati P. 1906, "L'ara di Ostia del Museo delle Terme di Diocleziano (Roma)", MEFRA 26, 483-512.
Comment: Full text: http://www.persee.fr/doc/mefr_0223-4874_1906_num_26_1_6935. About the altar of Mars and Venus from the Sacello dell'Ara dei Gemelli (II,VII,7).
Ducati P. 1935, The dead cities of Italy: cities of Etruria, Ostia, Pompeii - Herculaneum - Paestum, cities of Magna Graecia, cities of Sicily.
Dunbabin K. 1994, "Trampling upon the envious. A mosaic from Ostia with an apotropaic inscription and image", La mosaique greco-romaine 4, 67-68, Paris.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/dunbabin/dunbabin-1994.pdf.
Dunbabin K. 1999, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge.
Duncan-Jones R.P. 1977, "Giant cargo-ships in antiquity", CQ 27, 331-334.
Comment: About two obelisk carriers used as foundation at Portus.
Dupre Raventos X. 2005, "Ostia, porto di Roma. A proposito degli Atti dell'incontro 'Villes et avants-ports: L'exemple de Rome et Ostie'", MEFRA 117, 777-790.
Comment: Full text: http://www.persee.fr/doc/mefr_0223-5102_2005_num_117_2_10123.
Duthoy F. 1991, "Un chef d'oeuvre du sculpteur Fonseca a Geneve", Genava 39, 43-53.
Duval N. - Duval Y. 1972, "Fausses basiliques (et faux martyrs): quelques 'batiments a auges' d'Afrique", MEFRA 84,1, 675-719.
Comment: Full text: https://www.persee.fr/doc/mefr_0223-5102_1972_num_84_1_931. Contains parallels for the inscription GORGONI BITA in the Domus delle Gorgoni.
Duval P.M. 1974, "Rapport sur les travaux de l'Ecole francaise de Rome pendant l'annee 1973-1974", CRAI, 496-503.
Comment: Full text: https://www.persee.fr/doc/crai_0065-0536_1974_num_118_3_13042. Discussion of an iconographical study on ships at Ostia by Pomey.