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Caracalla's father was born in Lepcis Magna, in north-western Libya, part of the province Africa Proconsularis. Caracalla saw to it that work started by him in the city was properly finished. Two inscriptions from a basilica, both dated to 216 AD, say so explicitly: Septimius Severus coepit et ex maiore parte perfecit, Marcus Aurellius Antoninus perfici curavit, "Septimius Severus began and substantially completed this, Marcus Aurellius Antoninus arranged for the completion" (IRT 427 and 428). The same has been suggested for a temple on the basis of another inscription (IRT 815c).

Inscription of the Severan basilica, partly reconstructed with the help of IRT 428.
IRT 427. Photo: IRT.

Lepcis Magna, Severan basilica.
Photo: Wikimedia, Giovanni Boccardi.