Throughout his reign Caracalla had dealings with the extreme eastern part of the Empire and its neighbours: Osrhoene, Armenia and Parthia. He traveled at least as far as Arbela (Erbil, Iraq). Apart from the ancient historians there is hardly any documentation.
Simplified map of Osrhoene, Armenia and Parthia.
Sillar 2001, fig. 11.Work from the sole reign of Caracalla has been identified especially in Dura Europos, on the Euphrates in Syria. An inscription from 216 AD records the dedication of an amphitheatre by the legions.
IMP(eratori) CAES(ari) [M(arco) Aurel(io) An]TONINO PIO
FELICI AVG(usto) ARAB(ico) ADIAB(enico) [Part(hico) max(imo) B]RIT(annico) [max(imo) Ge]RM(anico) MAX(imo) PON
TIFICI MAX(imo) PATRI PATRIAE ET I[ulia]E A[ug(ustae) matri Aug(usti) et c]ASTR(orum) ET SEN(atus)
ET PATR(iae) VEXILL(ationes) LEGION[u]M IIII SC[yt(hicae) et] III [Cy]R(enaicae) [An]TONIN[ian]ARUM
ANP(h)YT(h)AEATR[u]M A FVN[damen]TIS E[xtr]VXERV[nt a]
GENTES SUB CVR(a) AVR(elio) MAM[--- instante]
IVSTIANO 7(centurione) PRINC(ipe) CATTIO SABI[no II Corn(elio) Anul]LINO [co(n)s(ulibus)]The inscription of the amphitheatre of Dura Europos.
216 AD. EDCS-15900400.In Dura Europos Caracalla continued the work of his father. An inscription on an arched block from 211 or 212 AD belongs to the headquarters, the praetorium. It was found in the central doorway. It does not belong to the sole reign, because another inscription of the same building, contemporary to the erection, is dedicated to Geta.
[I]MP(eratori) CAES[ari Marco Aure]lio
[Sev]ERO ANT[onino Pio] FELICI AVG(usto)
[Ara]BICO AD[iabenico Ger]MANICO
[Sar]MATIC[o Parthico max(imo)] BRIT(annico) MAX(imo)
[pon]TIFI[ci max(imo) p(atri) pat]RIAE DIVI SEPT(imi)
[Seve]RI PII [Felicis Brit(annici)] MAX(imi) FIL(io) DIVI
M(arci) ANTO[nini Pii Sar]MAT(ici) NEPOTI DIVI
ANTONI[ni Pii pron(epoti) divi] HADRIANI AB
[ne]PO[ti divi traiani Parth(ici)] DIVI NERVAE
[adnep(oti) trib(unicia) potest(ate) XV imp(eratori) II] CO(n)S(uli) [III] et
[Iuliae Aug(ustae) matri Aug(ustorum) et c]ASTRORVM
[et senatus et patriae ---]
[vex(illationes) leg(ionum) IIII Scyt(icae) et XVI F(laviae) F(irmae)] ANTON[inianarum(?) ---]
[[et III Gall(icae)]]The inscription of the praetorium of Dura Europos.
211 or 212 AD. EDCS-79700091. Image: Excavations at Dura-Europos 5, p. 218 fig. 9.
Remains of the praetorium in Dura Europos.
Photo: Wikimedia, Heretiq.Caracalla most likely spent the winter of 216-217 AD in Edessa, the capital of Osrhoene. Coins were issued celebrating the Parthian victory.
Denarius celebrating the Victoria Parthica, with a seated Victoria and a trophy with two captives.
RIC IV, p. 257 nr. 297. Late 216 or 217 AD. Photo: