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The Taurine baths

The Taurine baths are definitely worth a visit. The ruins are very substantial, well restored and well cared for. They are about four kilometers to the north-east of the harbour and were built near a sulphur spring regarded as healing.

The oldest remains have been dated to the first century AD. A large-scale extension belongs to the reign of Hadrian. Of particular interest is a dedication in Greek by Alkibiades, freedman and chamberlain of Hadrian, to the Nymphs. An inscription from Nysa on the Maeander, in western Turkey, tells us that this Publius Aelius Alkibiades, a cubiculo of Hadrian, was honoured as benefactor by the council of the city, together with his wife Aelia Doris.

An excellent description of the baths, written by Luca Seidenari, is offered by RomanPorts.

The inscription of Alkibiades and the inscription from Nysa
(AE 2002 (1999), nr. 1595). Photo: Wikimedia.

Plan of the archaeological area.

Aerial view of the archaeological area, from Bing Maps.