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Caseggiato I,XIII,5 - nrs. 457-458

The building
Description and function The east part of this building has been preserved very badly. In the west part is a row of shops along the Cardo. Behind the shops are backrooms, presumably habitations, with doors and windows in the back walls.
Date Late-Severan.

Nrs. 457-458
Description In the north-west part of the building is a staircase with a "monumental entrance", flanked by brick semi-piers with travertine bases and capitals. Each jamb has a cornerstone.
Date The stones belong to the first building phase.
Measurements Meas. according to VdM, 457: starts at 0.55 from (high!) threshold, 1.17 from the ground; l. 0.24, w. 0.10, h. 0.11; 458: starts at 0.55 from (high!) threshold, 1.17 from the ground; l. 0.22, w. 0.20, h. 0.10.


Plan of the building

Plan of the building. After SO I.


The entrance of the staircase, from the north-west.