Fragment of the sarcophagus of Quintus Veturius Firmius Felix Socrates
From Ostia.
Date: second half of the third century AD. W. 0.31, h. 0.26.
This man is also documented in EDR143847.
[D(is)] M(anibus)
[Q(uinto) Vetu]RIO FIRMIO
[Felici] SOCRATI
[qq c(ensoria) p(otestate) d]ECVRIONI
[praet(ori) pr]IMO SAC(ris)
[Volc(ani) fa]CIVNDIS
[sodali A]RVLESIVM
[vix(it) a(nnis) ---] M(ensibus) V D(iebus) XVIIIIEDR165013. Sindoni nr. 28. Inv. nr. 74091. Photo: Sindoni.