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In the winter of 1863-1864 a Mithraic inscription was found at an unknown location. It is a list of names of initiates (album sacratorum), including the head of the shrine (pater). Between the two preserved columns is written LEO FE(cit), vertically. Leo is not a proper name, but the name of one of the grades of initiation: "The lion made this".

Marble slab. Rome, Villa Albani.
EDR144064. Image: CIL XIV, 286.

The only other object from Portus that is related to the cult of Mithras is a fragment of a marble vase, described by De Rossi in 1866 (CIL XIV, 55). Only his brief description of the object is available. It carries the inscription INVICTO DEO S[oli Mithrae?], "To the invincible lord Sun Mithras(?)". Below the text are a bearded head in a radiate circle, and a figure raising a torch, so Cautes. The current location of the vase is unknown.

[jthb - 17-May-2023]