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Regio I - Insula X - Caseggiato I,X,2

Along Via del Pomerio is a long row of shops. They were built during the last decades of the first century BC (opus reticulatum). In front was a porticus with travertine columns. Alterations have been dated to the second half of the third century AD (opus latericium; extension of the lateral walls). The main items of interest are a basin in the second shop from the south, and two bars, one in the centre of the building (in the room with a staircase), the other in the north-east corner, next to the Republican Shops (I,X,1).

The bar in the north-east part will be dealt with first. The north part of the room is lost. In the north-west part is an old well, with a well-head of sandstone, in which rope marks can still be seen. Later a new well-head was built at a higher level (opus vittatum). To the north of the well are the remains of a bar-counter (opus vittatum with reused marble). In the north-east part is another counter, with a vaulted basin (opus latericium).

The central bar used the extension of the lateral walls that blocked the porticus. A counter was set against the north wall, but this is known only through the overall plan of Ostia, drawn by Italo Gismondi. It has disappeared completely. Opposite the counter, on the bricks of the south wall, are remains of paintings. Red bands create panels. In the panels are, according to Hermansen, a Victoria holding a wreath in her raised right hand, a mask, and a heifer or deer and a round tripod table, all painted in red on a white ground, except the table, which is golden. The table rests on curved legs. The painting is from the late-Antonine or Severan period.

Plan of the Caseggiato

Plan of the Caseggiato. North is to the left. After SO I.


The central bar, seen from the west. The painting is on the right wall.
Photo: Jan Theo Bakker.

Wall-painting on the south wall of the central bar, seen from the north-west.
Photo: Jan Theo Bakker.

Wall-painting on the south wall of the central bar, detail of Victoria.
Photo: Jan Theo Bakker.

Wall-painting on the south wall of the central bar, detail of a mask.
Photo: Jan Theo Bakker.

Wall-painting on the south wall of the central bar, detail of heifer or deer and table.
Photo: Jan Theo Bakker.

The north-east bar, seen from the north-west.
Photo: Gerard Huissen.

The north-east bar, seen from the west.
Photo: Gerard Huissen.

The cleaning of the central bar in November 1998.
Photo: Jan Theo Bakker.

[jthb - 24-Apr-2022]