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Regio III - Insula I - Caseggiato III,I,1

This building has been dated to the reign of Marcus Aurelius (opus latericium). It is on the corner of Via della Foce (to the east) and the Decumanus Maximus, to the east of the Baths of the Christian Basilica. On the side of the Decumanus are four shops that had cross vaults. Three shops have a backroom with an internal staircase and latrine, behind the fourth is an external staircase, accessible from Via della Foce.

The north part of the building consists of rooms on either side of the entrance corridor of the Baths of the Christian Basilica. To the south are two rooms. The western hall has doors leading to the baths (blocked), to a backroom of a shop to the south, and to the corridor. The eastern room was a deep shop. To the north of the corridor are two more shops. Behind these is a number of rooms, connected with the corridor, the baths, and the building to the north. In the centre is a staircase, below which is a latrine, receiving light from a slit window.

Plan of the building. After SO I.


The easternmost shop in the south part, seen from the Decumanus.
Photo: Eric Taylor.

One of the three southern shops on the Decumanus.
Photo: Eric Taylor.

[jthb - 2-May-2022]