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Regio III - Insula I - Caseggiato III,I,8

This is a Hadrianic building (opus mixtum), built on a road connecting Via della Foce with the side street on top of which the Christian Basilica was erected. An external staircase and three shops with backrooms face Via della Foce. The staircase was blocked in later antiquity. Behind these rooms is a small courtyard. In the south wall is a cult niche with a protruding shelf, supported by a podium. Later a second podium was added.

Behind the courtyard are rooms on either side of a long corridor. In one of the rooms on the south side is a large oven. Some basins can be seen. There are fragments of machines, made of volcanic stone. It is not known what was produced in these rooms.

Plan of the building. After SO I.


The courtyard seen from the north-west.
Photo: Jan Theo Bakker.

The niche with a podium in the courtyard, seen from the north-west.
Photo: Eric Taylor.

[jthb - 2-May-2022]