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Water was taken to Tor Paterno by an aqueduct coming from the north-east, from the Castel Romano-Trigoria area and locality La Santola. The aqueduct was followed by a road paved with basalt blocks, 4.20 metres wide (hence the modern toponym Carrareccia della Selciatella). The first stretch of the aqueduct was underground, further on several arches have been preserved. in 1848 Antonio Nibby saw two basins with which the aqueduct ended. It was built in the late first or early second century AD, using opus mixtum. It carried about 150 litres per second.

Arches of the aqueduct. Photo: Davide Brutti.

The aqueduct between La Santola and Tor Paterno. Image: Bedello Tata - Bukowiecki 2006, fig. 45.