Recent excavations and restoration
Almost every year some excavations take place in and around Ostia. Some of these are emergency excavations, others give the archaeologists ample time to study the remains. After excavation, the restoration, preservation and presentation are of paramount importance. Below are some movies documenting this work, partly in English, partly in Italian.
The conservation of the House of the Mithraeum of the Painted Walls. Movie provided by the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro (2011). Presented by Roberto Petriaggi. In Italian.
The conservation of paintings in the House of Giove and Ganymede. Movie provided by Okkio ai Cittadini (2012). Presented by Angelo Pellegrino. In Italian.
Antonio Pugliano, Professor of Archaeological Restoration at the University of Rome "Roma 3", describes his innovative teaching and research program at Ostia Antica designed to serve as the platform for a new approach to managing the site. Movie provided by the American Istitute for Roman Culture (2012). In Italian, with English subtitles. Archaeologist-architect Enrico Rinaldi reviews the recent history of Ostia Antica and discusses the problems inherent in preserving its physical structure, as well as the novel approach to its conservation that he is spearheading with ALES spa. Movie provided by the American Istitute for Roman Culture (2011).