Galenus was one of the leading doctors and medical writers of antiquity. He lived in the second century AD. He studied in Greece and Alexandria, and then practised in Pergamum and Rome, also working for the Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

De humero iis modis prolapso quos Hippocrates non vidit
Edition G. Kühn, Vol. XVIII, pp. 347-348

(second half of second century AD)
Quod autem quater hactenus ejusmodi casus evenerit patere plane potest eo quod omnes medici, ut posui, mecum communicarent, quaecunque praeter opinionem nacti essent, ac non modo Romae nihil latere hujusmodi potuit, sed neque in portu atque in proxima urbe quam Ostiam nominant; quum omnibus amicia uterer quicunque illis locis medicinam exercerent, quae et ipsa frequentissima sunt. (On an abnormal form of dislocated shoulders). It is not reported in the harbour and in the nearby city which they call Ostia; all the doctors in those places are my friends, and both are populous centres.

Translation: R. Meiggs, p. 87.