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Comment: Full text: In Dutch.
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Comment: Full text:
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Reviews: R. Laurence, CR 50,2 (2000), 671-2; P. Herz, MBAH 20,1 (2001), 118-119.
Comment: Full text: and
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Comment: Full text: see
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Comment: Full text:
De Rossi G.B. 1870, "Lucerne cristiane, trovate fra molti e preziosi arnesi d'arte profana in una casa antica di Ostia", BACrist 8, 77-85.
Comment: Full text: The finds were made in the Caseggiato dei Molini.
De Ruyt C. 2002, "Boulangers et foulons d'Ostie a l'epoque imperiale. Quelques reflexions sur l'implantation de leurs ateliers et sur leurs fonctions precises dans la ville portuaire", Les artisans dans la ville antique, 49-53, Paris.
Heres Th.L. 1988, "The Building History of the Caseggiato dei Molini (Reg. I iii 1) at Ostia: A Preliminary Study", Meded 48, 37-74.
Comment: Full text:
Moritz L.A. 1958, Grain-mills and Flour in Classical Antiquity, Oxford.
Peacock D.P.S. 1980, "The Roman Millstone-Trade: A Petrological Sketch", WorldArch 12, 43-53.
Comment: Full text:
Peacock D.P.S. 1986, "The Production of Roman Millstones near Orvieto, Umbria, Italy", AntJ 66, 45-51.
Peacock D.P.S. 1989, "The Mills of Pompeii", Antiquity 63, 205-214.
Santi P. - Antonelli F. - Pensabene P. et al. 2004, "Leucite phonolite millstones from the Orvieto production centre. New data and insights into the Roman trade", Periodico di mineralogia 73, 57-69.
Comment: Full text:
Valjus R. 1998, "An Oriental Baker at Ostia", Arctos 32, 259-264.
Comment: Full text: About M. Caerellius Iazemis, possibly from Cappadocia.
Vera D. 2002, "Panis Ostiensis adque fiscalis: vecchie e nuove questioni di storia annonaria romana", Humana Sapit. Etudes d'antiquite tardive offertes a L. Cracco Ruggini (J.-M. Carrie - R. Lizzi edd)., 341-356, Turnhout.