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Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/habinek/habinek-1983.pdf.
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Comment: Full text: http://www.persee.fr/doc/antiq_0770-2817_1962_num_31_1_3668.
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Hadler H. et al. 2015, "Temple-complex post-dates tsunami deposits found in the ancient harbour basin of Ostia (Rome, Italy)", Journal of Archaeological Science 61, 78-89.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/hadler/hadler-2015.pdf.
Hadler H. et al. 2020, "River channel evolution and tsunami impacts recorded in local sedimentary archives - the 'Fiume Morto' at Ostia Antica (Tiber River, Italy)", Sedimentology 67, 1309-1343.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/hadler/hadler-2019.pdf.
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Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/hafner/hafner-1990.pdf.
Hammond M. 1964, "Three Latin Inscriptions in the McDaniel Collection", HSCP 68, 79-97.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/310799.
Hanghai A. - Hori Y. 2008, "Laser scanning in Ostia. A comparative study of accuracy of the drawings in 1950s and field survey on tall structures", Proceedings of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Comment: Full text: https://www.isprs.org/proceedings/xxxviii/5-w1/pdf/hanghai_hori.pdf.
Hanninen M.-L. 2019, "Religious Agency and Civic Identity of Women in Ancient Ostia", Gender, Memory, and Identity in the Roman World, 63-88, Amsterdam.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/40098570/.
Hanninen M.-L. 2020, "Bathing in Ancient Ostia", Karivieri 2020, 143-152.
Hanninen M.-L. 2020, "Religious Life in Ostia in the Imperial Period", Karivieri 2020, 345-352.
Hanninen M.-L. 2020, "The Cult of Mithras in Ostia", Karivieri 2020, 353-361.
Hansen S.L. 1997, "The embellishment of late-antique domus in Ostia and Rome", Patron and pavements in late antiquity (S. Isager and B. Poulsen edd.), 111-124, Odense.
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Hansom J. 1998, "Insediamenti costieri di eta romana ed evoluzione della linea di costa a Castelporziano. Rapporto preliminare", Castelporziano III, 157-160, Roma.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/hansom/hansom-1998.pdf.
Harland P.A. 2003, Associations, Synagogues, and Congregations: Claiming a Place in Ancient Mediterranean Society.
Comment: Comparison between the Synagogue and seats of guilds.
Harlow M. - Laurence R. 2020, "Shops and Shopping in Ancient Ostia", Karivieri 2020, 287-293.
Harris W.V. 1980, "Towards a study of the Roman slave trade", MAAR 36, 117-140.
Harrison E.B. 1988, "Lemnia and Lemnos: sidelights on a Pheidian Athena", Kanon. Festschrift E. Berger, 101-107, Basel.
Comment: On a relief of Vulcanus.
Harrison J.R. 2021, "Ostia, Harbor Port of Rome: An Epigraphic and Archaeological Portrait", The First Urban Churches 6: Rome and Ostia, 67-136, Atlanta.
Harrod S.G. 1909, Latin Terms of Endearment and Family Relationship, Princeton.
Comment: Full text: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/digital/collections/cul/texts/ldpd_6769771_000/ldpd_6769771_000.pdf.
Harsberg E. 1979(2), Ostia. Roms Havnstad, Kobenhavn.
Harsh P. 1935, "The Origins of the Insulae at Ostia", MAAR 12, 7-66.
Harsh P. 1937, "Angiportum, platea, and vicus", CP 32, 44-58.
Hauler E. 1927, "Zu den neuen Bruchstuecken der Stadtchronik von 'Ostia'", WS 46, 102.
Hayes J.W. 2009, "Excavations at the Imperial Vicus 1985-7 and 1996-8 - Trenches S and SA: pottery finds and lamps", Laurentine Shore Project, 1-35.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/laurentine-shore-project/hayes-2009.pdf.
Haynes I. et al. 2016, "Archival analysis and the reinterpretation of legacy data 2016", PBSR 84, 314-316.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/24780069?seq=1.
Heilmeyer W.-D. 1992, "Antikenwanderungen: Ostia und Berlin tauschen Skulpturen und Wandmalereien aus", AntW 23,4, 264-267.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/44432746. Concerns a sarcophagus with scenes from the Iliad, and fragments of paintings from IV,II,5, room 6.
Heilmeyer W.-D. 1997, "Schwarz und weiss: zwei Mosaiken aus Ostia als Dauerleihgabe in Berlin", AntW 28,3, 269-270.
Heinzelmann M. 1998, "Arbeitsbericht zu einer zweiten geophysikalischen Prospektionskampagne in Ostia Antica", RM 105, 425-429.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/heinzelmann/heinzelmann-1998-2.pdf.
Heinzelmann M. 1998, "Beobachtungen zur suburbanen Topographie Ostias. Ein orthogonales Strassensystem im Bereich der Pianabella", RM 105, 175-225.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/heinzelmann/heinzelmann-1998.pdf. For the map see: http://www.ostia-antica.org/dict/south/south.htm.
Heinzelmann M. 1998, "Die Nekropolen von Ostia: Zur Entwicklung der Beigabensitten vom 2. Jahrhundert v.Chr. bis in die fruehe Kaiserzeit", Bestattungssitte und kulturelle Identitaet (ed. by P. Fasold e.a.), Xantener Berichte 7, 41-47.
Comment: Full text: http://archaeologie.uni-koeln.de/sites/archaeologie/Dokumente/personen/heinzelmann/publikationen/Heinzelmann_Bestattungssitten_1998.pdf.
Heinzelmann M. 1998, "Ostia Antica - Neue geophysikalische Untersuchungen in den unausgegrabenen Arealen des Stadtgebietes", XVth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Amsterdam, 69-70, Amsterdam.
Heinzelmann M. 1998, "Ueberlegungen zur Entwicklung der Nekropolen Ostias von der spaeten Republik bis in severische Zeit", Necropoles et pouvoir, Colloque Lyon 1995 (S. Marchegay et al. edd.), 141-153, Paris.
Comment: Full text: http://www.persee.fr/doc/mom_1274-6525_1998_act_27_1_1082.
Heinzelmann M. 1999, "I rialzamenti dei livelli delle strade e quartieri urbani ad Ostia - introduzione", Meded 58, 63-64.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Heinzelmann M. 1999, "Neue Untersuchungen in den unausgegrabenen Gebieten von Ostia: Luftbildauswertung und geophysikalische Prospektionen", Meded 58, 24-25.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Heinzelmann M. 1999, "Zur Entwicklung der Gelaende- und Strassenniveaus in der Nekropole vor der Porta Romana", Meded 58, 84-89.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Heinzelmann M. 2001, "Grabarchitektur, Bestattungsbrauch und Sozialstruktur - Zur Rolle der familia", Culto dei morti e costumi funerari romani (M. Heinzelmann et al.), Palilia 8, 179-192.
Heinzelmann M. 2001, "Les necropoles d'Ostie: topographie, developpement, architecture, structure sociale", Descoeudres J.-P. 2001, 373-384.
Comment: Full text: http://archaeologie.uni-koeln.de/sites/archaeologie/Dokumente/personen/heinzelmann/publikationen/Heinzelmann_Nekropolen_Genf_2001_opt.pdf.
Heinzelmann M. 2002, "Bauboom und urbanistische Defizite - zur staedtebaulichen Entwicklung Ostias im 2. Jh.", Ostia e Portus nelle loro relazioni con Roma (C. Bruun - A.G. Zevi edd.). ActaInstRomFin 27, 103-122, Roma.
Comment: Full text: http://archaeologie.uni-koeln.de/sites/archaeologie/Dokumente/personen/heinzelmann/publikationen/Heinzelmann_Bauboom_AIRF_2002_opt.pdf and https://archive.org/details/ostiaeportusnell0000unse.
Heinzelmann M. 2005, "Die vermietete Stadt. Zur Kommerzialisierung und Standardisierung der Wohnkultur in der kaiserzeitlichen Grosstadtgesellschaft", Lebenswelten. Bilder und Raeume in der roemischen Kaiserzeit, 113-128, Wiesbaden.
Comment: Full text: http://archaeologie.uni-koeln.de/sites/archaeologie/Dokumente/personen/heinzelmann/publikationen/Heinzelmann_Vermietete_Stadt_Palilia_2005.pdf.
Heinzelmann M. 2010, "Supplier of Rome or Mediterranean marketplace? The Changing Economic Role of Ostia after the Construction of Portus in the light of new Archaeological Evidence", Bollettino di Archeologia on line 1, 5-10.
Comment: Full text: http://bollettinodiarcheologiaonline.beniculturali.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/2_Heinzelmann_paper.pdf.
Heinzelmann M. 2020, Forma urbis Ostiae: Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der Hafenstadt Roms von der Zeit der Republik bis ins fruehe Mittelalter, I, Wiesbaden.
Heinzelmann M. - Becker H. - Eder K. - Stephani M. 1997, "Vorbericht zu einer geophysikalischen Prospektionskampagne in Ostia Antica", RM 104, 537-548.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/heinzelmann/heinzelmann-1997.pdf.
Heinzelmann M. - Granino Cecere M.G. 2001, "Ostia, Regio III. Untersuchungen in den unausgegrabenen Bereichen des Stadtgebietes. Vorbericht zur dritten Grabungskampagne 2000", RM 108, 313-328.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/heinzelmann/heinzelmann-2001.pdf.
Heinzelmann M. - Martin A. 2002, "River port, navalia and harbour temple at Ostia: new results of a DAI-AAR Project", JRA 15, 5-19.
Comment: Full text: http://archaeologie.uni-koeln.de/sites/archaeologie/Dokumente/personen/heinzelmann/publikationen/Heinzelmann_Ostia_Harbour_JRA_2002_opt.pdf.
Heinzelmann M. - Martin A. - Coletti C. 2000, Die Nekropolen von Ostia. Untersuchungen zu den Graeberstrassen vor der Porta Romana und an der Via Laurentina, Munchen.
Reviews: C. Reusser, Gnomon 76 (2004), 254-257; H. Mouritsen, ZPE 150 (2004), 281-304.
Heinzelmann M. - Mols S.T.A.M. - McKinnon M. 2002, "Ostia, Regionen III und IV. Untersuchungen in den unausgegrabenen Bereichen des Stadtgebietes. Vorbericht zur vierten Grabungskampagne 2001", RM 109, 225-242.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/heinzelmann/heinzelmann-2002.pdf.
Heisserer A.J. 1989, "Two fragments from Ostia antica", Epigraphica 51, 239-242.
Hejzlar G. 1933, Obytny a Obchodni Dum v Ostii (Residential and Commercial Building in Ostia), Prague.
Comment: With resume in French.
Helbig W. 1963(4), "Die paepstlichen Sammlungen im Vatikan und Lateran", Fuehrer durch die oeffentlichen Sammlungen klassischer Altertuemer in Rom 1, Tuebingen.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/helbig/helbig-1963.pdf (Ostia only).
Helbig W. 1969(4), "Die staatlichen Sammlungen. Museo Nazionale Romano (Thermenmuseum); Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia", Fuehrer durch die oeffentlichen Sammlungen klassischer Altertuemer in Rom 3, Tuebingen.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/helbig/helbig-1969.pdf (Ostia only; includes Capitoline Museums and Villa Albani).
Helbig W. 1972(4), "Museo Ostiense in Ostia Antica; Museo der Villa Hadriana in Tivoli; Villa Albani", Fuehrer durch die oeffentlichen Sammlungen klassischer Altertuemer in Rom 4, Tuebingen.
Reviews: C. Vermeule, Gnomon 47 (1975), 220-222.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/helbig/helbig-1972.pdf (Ostia only).
Helen T. 1975, "Organization of Roman Brick Productions in the First and Second Centuries A.D.: an interpretation of Roman brick stamps", AnnAcFenn, Dissertationes humanarum litterarum 5, Helsinki.
Helttula A. 1990, "Portuensia. Nuove iscrizioni sepolcrali dell'Isola Sacra (Porto)", Arctos 24, 15-27.
Helttula A. 1995, "Observations on the Inscriptions of the Isola Sacra and the People of Portus", ActaArchHung 36, 235-244.
Helttula A. et al. 2007, "Le iscrizioni sepolcrali latine nell'Isola Sacra", Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae 30.
Hemingway S. et al. 2023, "The Gosford Wellhead: An Ancient Roman Masterpiece", The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 80,3, 1-50.
Comment: Full text: https://resources.metmuseum.org/resources/metpublications/pdf/The_Gosford_Wellhead_An_Ancient_Roman_Masterpiece.pdf.
Hempel H.L. 1962, "Synagogenfunde in Ostia Antica", ZATW 74 or 33, 72-73.
Henry P. 1938, La vision d'Ostie: sa place dans la vie et l'oeuvre de saint Augustin, Paris.
Henry P. 1981, "The path to transcendence : from philosophy to mysticism in Saint Augustine", The Pittsburgh Theological Monograph Series 37.
Henry S.J. 1938, "Die Vision zu Ostia", Zum Augustin-Gespraech der Gegenwart 1, 201-270.
Comment: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1975.
Henzen G. 1851, "Intorno ad un'iscrizione ostiense", AnnInst 23, 154-166.
Comment: Full text: https://arachne.dainst.org/entity/2547127.
Henzen G. 1864, "Scavi di Porto", BdI, 12-20.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/henzen/henzen-1864.pdf.
Henzen G. 1875, "Illustrazione di una lapide ritrovata a Castelporziano", Bullettino dell'Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica, 3-14.
Comment: Full text: https://archive.org/details/bullettinodellin1875inst/page/n5/mode/2up. On CIL XIV, 2045, P. Aelius Liberalis.
Henzen W. 1849, "Sarcofago ostiense", BdI, 101-103.
Comment: Full text: https://ia800502.us.archive.org/24/items/bullettinodellin1849inst/bullettinodellin1849inst.pdf.
Henzen W. 1882, "Iscrizione Laurentina", RM 2, 121-122.
Comment: Full text: http://www.digizeitschriften.de/dms/img/?PID=PPN783873484_0001%7CLOG_0028.
Herdejuergen H. 1968, "Ein Athenakopf aus Ampurias. Untersuchungen zur archaistischen Plastik des 1. Jhs. v. Chr.", MM 9, 213-229.
Comment: Comparison with Athena from Ostia.
Herdejuergen H. 1990, "Girlandensarkophage aus Ostia", Roman funerary monuments in the J. Paul Getty Museum I (ed. M. True - G. Koch), 95-114, Malibu.
Comment: Full text: https://www.getty.edu/publications/resources/virtuallibrary/0892361514.pdf.
Herens E. 2022, "Le IIe style 'ostien' sous enquete. Imagerie et analyses physico-chimiques des enduits peints de la Domus aux Bucranes", Ad Ostium Tiberis. Proceedings of the conference Ricerche Archeologiche alla Foce del Tevere, 191-206, Leuven.
Heres H. 1982, "Ein verschollener Musensarkophag", FuB 22, 187-191.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3880904.
Heres Th.L. 1978, "Una ricerca sulla storia edilizia delle Terme di Nettuno ad Ostia Antica (II,4,2): nel periodo post-adrianeo", Meded 40, 93-112.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Heres Th.L. 1979, "La storia edilizia delle Terme di Nettuno (II,4,2) ad Ostia: lo sviluppo nei secoli IV-V", Meded 41, 35-42.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Heres Th.L. 1980, "Alcuni appunti sulla Basilica Cristiana (III,I,4) di Ostia Antica", Meded 42, 87-99.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Heres Th.L. 1982, Paries. A Proposal for a Dating System of Late-Antique Masonry Structures in Rome and Ostia (A.D. 235-600), Amsterdam.
Reviews: E.M. Steinby, Gnomon 62 (1990), 353-359.
Heres Th.L. 1986, "Ostia Antica: The House of the Columns Revisited", BABesch 61, 138-143.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/heres/heres-1986.pdf.
Heres Th.L. 1988, "The Building History of the Caseggiato dei Molini (Reg. I iii 1) at Ostia: A Preliminary Study", Meded 48, 37-74.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Heres Th.L. 1991, "Alcune osservazioni sulla storia edilizia del quartiere I xiv ad Ostia", Meded 50, 281-300.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Heres Th.L. 1993, "La storia edilizia delle Terme dei Sette Sapienti (III X 2) ad Ostia Antica: uno studio preliminare", Meded 51-52, 76-113.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Heres Th.L. 1998, "Hoe het afliep. Ostia tussen Oudheid en Middeleeuwen", Hermeneus 70,2, 143-151.
Comment: Full text: http://images.tresoar.nl/bibl-collectie/Hermeneus/Jaargang%2070/7002/7002.pdf. In Dutch.
Heres Th.L. 2001, "Cherche: logement a Ostie", Descoeudres J.-P. 2001, 221-229.
Hermann W. 1961, Roemische Goetteraltaere, Kallmuenz.
Hermansen G. 1970, "The Medianum and the Roman Apartment", Phoenix 24, 342-347.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/hermansen/hermansen-1970.pdf.
Hermansen G. 1973, "Domus and Insula in the City of Rome", ClMed Diss. 9, 333-341.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/hermansen/hermansen-1973.pdf.
Hermansen G. 1974, "The Roman Inns and the Law. The Inns of Ostia", Polis and Imperium. Studies in Honour of E.T. Salmon, 167-181, Toronto.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/hermansen/hermansen-1974.pdf.
Hermansen G. 1975, "Nero's Porticus", GrazBeitr 3, 159-176.
Hermansen G. 1978, "The Bread Line through Ostia to Rome", Proceedings of the African Classical Associations 14, 21-26.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/hermansen/hermansen-1978.pdf.
Hermansen G. 1982, Ostia. Aspects of Roman City Life, Alberta.
Reviews: B.M. Boyle, JSAH 43 (1984), 173; G.E. Rickman, CR 33 (1983), 151-152; G.P.R. Metraux, Phoenix 38 (1984), 198; Aevum 57 (1983), 161; P.M. Swan, Canadian JHist 18 (1983), 263; A. Martin, Latomus 44 (1985), 455-456.
Comment: Full text: https://archive.org/details/ostiaaspectsofro0000herm.
Hermansen G. 1982, "The stuppatores and their guild in Ostia", AJA 86, 121-126.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/hermansen/hermansen-1982.pdf.
Heron de Villefosse A. 1914, "Deux armateurs narbonnais", MAntFr 74, 153-180.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/heron/heron-1914.pdf.
Heron de Villefosse A. 1918, "La Mosaique des Narbonnais a Ostie", BullArch, 245-273.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/heron/heron-1918.pdf.
Herrmann J.J. - Barbin V. 1993, "The Exportation of Marble from the Aliki Quarries on Thasos: Cathodoluminescence of Samples from Turkey and Italy", AJA 97, 91-103.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/herrmann/herrmann-1993.pdf.
Herrmann J.J. - Bruno M. - Van den Hoek A. 2015, "Saw cuts on marble sarcophagi: New York and Ostia", Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone: ASMOSIA 10, 559-563.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/38109467.
Herz P. 1975, Untersuchungen zum Festkalender der roemischen Kaiserzeit nach datierten Weih- und Ehren-inschriften, Mainz.
Herz P. 1982, "Kaiserbilder aus Ostia", BullCom 87, 145-157.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/herz/herz-1982.pdf.
Herz P. 1988, "Der praefectus annonae und die Wirtschaft der westlichen Provinzen", Ktema 13, 69-85.
Herz P. 1988, Studien zur roemischen Wirtschaftsgesetzgebung. Die Lebensmittelversorgung, Stuttgart.
Herz P. 1989, "Claudius Abascantus aus Ostia. Die Nomenklatur eines Libertus und sein sozialer Aufstieg", ZPE 76, 167-174.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/herz/herz-1989.pdf.
Herz P. 1991, "Organisation und Finanzierung der spaetantiken annona", Nourrir la plebe (Hommage a D. van Berchem) (A. Giovannini ed.), 161-190, Basel - Kassel.
Comment: Ostia: 177-180.
Herz P. 1994, "Kollegien in Ostia. Gedanken zu den Inschriften CIL XIV 250 und 251", E fontibus haurire. Beitraege zur roemischen Geschichte und zu ihren Hilfswissenschaften (Heinrich Chantraine zum 65. Geburtstag) (ed. R. Guenther - S. Rebenich), 295-325, Paderborn - Muenchen - Wien - Zuerich.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/herz/herz-1994.pdf.
Herzig H.E. 1983, "Frauen in Ostia. Ein Beitrag zur Sozialgeschichte der Hafenstadt Roms", Historia 32, 77-92.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/herzig/herzig-1983.pdf.
Hesnard A. 1980, "Un depot augusteen d'amphores a la Longarina, Ostie", MAAR 36, 141-156.
Hetland L.M. 2007, "Dating the Pantheon", JRA 20, 95-112.
Comment: Full text: https://www.yumpu.com/de/document/read/44272006/zur-datierung-des-pantheon. About the Pantheon in Rome and the dating of Trajanic and Hadrianic brick stamps.
Hetland L.M. 2009, "Zur Datierung des Pantheon", The Pantheon in Rome, 107-116, Bern.
Comment: About the Pantheon in Rome and the dating of Trajanic and Hadrianic brick-stamps.
Himmelmann N. 1977, "Ein mythologisches Relief aus Ostia", Festschrift fuer Frank Brommer, 179-180, Mainz.
Hlinovsky P. 2018, Ostia. Pristav Antickeho Rima (Ostia. Port of Ancient Rome), Praha.
Comment: In Czech.
Hlinovsky P. 2018, Ostia. Pruvodce Archeologickou Lokalitou (Ostia. The Archaeological Site Guide), Praha.
Comment: In Czech.
Hoebenreich E. 1997, Annona. Juristische Aspekte der stadtroemischen Lebensmittelversorgung im Prinzipat, Graz.
Hoffmann P. 1962, "Torna in luce la sinagoga di Ostia", Capitolium 37, 422.
Holland L.A. and L.B. 1950, "Down the Tiber on a raft", Archaeology, 87 ff.
Hommel H. 1957, "Euripides in Ostia: ein neues Chorliedfragment und seine Umwelt", Epigraphica 19, 109 ff.
Hommel H. 1968, "Euripides und der Tod. Ein Chorliedfragment des Dichters auf einer Inschrift aus Ostia", Euripides (ed. E.-R. Schwinge) (1957) - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Wege der Forschung 89, 124-152, Darmstadt.
Hommel H. 1970, "Das Datum der Munatier-Grabstaette in Portus Traiani und die hederae distinguentes", ZPE 5, 293-303.
Homolle Th. 1877, "Sur quelques inscriptions d'Ostie", RA 34, 234-253, 301-315.
Comment: Full text: https://ia800303.us.archive.org/31/items/revuearcheologi34pari/revuearcheologi34pari.pdf.
Hoover K.C. et al. 2005, "Exploring the Relationship Between Hypoplasia and Odontometric Asymmetry in Isola Sacra, an Imperial Roman Necropolis", American Journal of Human Biology 17, 752-764.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/13028847.
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Hori Y. - Lavan L. 2015, "The potential of laser scanning for the study of Roman buildings", Field Methods and Post-Excavation Techniques in Late Antique Archaeology (L. Lavan - M. Mulryan eds.), 595-660, Leiden.
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Hornbostel W. 1973, Sarapis, Leiden.
Houston G.W. 1980, "The administration of Italian seaports during the first three centuries of the Roman Empire", The Seaborne Commerce of Ancient Rome 36, 157-171.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/houston/houston-1980.pdf.
Houston G.W. 1988, "Ports in perspective: some comparative materials on Roman merchant ships and ports", AJA 92, 553-564.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/houston/houston-1988.pdf.
Houtzager M.E. 1962, Vroeg-Christelijke Kunst uit Rome, Utrecht.
Comment: Catalogue of an exposition in Utrecht, Centraal Museum. Some early-Christian pieces; in Dutch.
Huebner E. 1869, "Ausgrabungen in Ostia", AZ 27, 88.
Comment: Full text: https://ia600304.us.archive.org/3/items/archaologischez27deut/archaologischez27deut.pdf.
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Comment: In Dutch.
Hunink V. 2007, Bedolven door de Vesuvius. Pompeii in 1000 graffiti, Budel.
Comment: Helpful in deciphering graffiti in Ostia. German and Italian translations have also been published.
Huskinson J. 1996, Roman children's sarcophagi: their decoration and its social significance, Oxford.
Reviews: G. Koch, JRA 10(1997), 454-462; M. Ghilardi, ArchCl 48 (1996), 386-387.
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Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/huvelin/huvelin-1978.pdf.
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