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Jansen G. 1993, "Paintings in Roman Toilets", Functional and Spatial Analysis of Wall Painting. Proceedings of the Fifth Int. Congress of Ancient Wall Painting (E. Moormann ed.), 29-33, Leiden.
Jansen G. 1995, "Die Wasserversorgung und Kanalisation in Ostia Antica. Die ersten Ergebnisse", Schriftenreihe der Frontinus-Gesellschaft 19, 111-123.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/jansen/jansen-1995.pdf.
Jansen G. 1998, "Waar is hier het toilet? Sanitaire voorzieningen van Ostia", Hermeneus 70,2, 116-123.
Comment: Full text: http://images.tresoar.nl/bibl-collectie/Hermeneus/Jaargang%2070/7002/7002.pdf. In Dutch.
Jansen G. 1999, "Ancient Hydraulic Engineering and the Raising of Ostia", Meded 58, 90-93.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Jansen G. 2000, "Systems for the Disposal of Waste and Excreta in Roman Cities. The Situation in Pompeii, Herculaneum and Ostia", Sordes Urbis. Monografias de la Escuela Espanola de la Historia y Arqueologia en Roma (X. Dupre ed.), 37-49, Roma.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/37418454.
Jansen G. 2002, Water in de Romeinse stad. Pompeji - Herculaneum - Ostia, Leuven.
Comment: In Dutch: 'Water in the Roman City'. Ostia: pp. 123-179.
Jansen G. 2006, "The unknown urban water system at Roman Ostia (Italy)", Cura aquarum in Ephesos, 175-182, Leuven.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/14198315.
Jansen G. - Koloski-Ostrow A.O. - Moormann E.M. 2011, "Roman Toilets. Their Archaeology and Cultural History", BABesch Supplementa 19, Leuven.
Jansen G. - Merletto A. - Van Vaerenbergh J. 2011, "Toilets in the urban and domestic water infrastructure", Roman toilets. Their archaeology and cultural history, 71-86, Leuven.
Janssen J. 2014, "Mathematical Tourists: Mind your Minds!", The Mathematical Intelligencer 36,2, 50-53.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/janssen/janssen-2014.pdf. About a 'soccer ball' depicted on a mosaic in the Terme di Porta Marina.
Japella Contardi L. 1980, Propaganda imperiale e protezionismo commerciale nelle iscrizioni dei collegia professionali di Roma e di Ostia da Augusto ad Aureliano, Torino.
Reviews: J.-M. Morel, Latomus 43 (1984), 276-277.
Johansen F. 1973, "Antike portraetter of Gneius Pompeius Magnus", MedKob 30, 89-119.
Johnson B.K. 1932, "The 'Terme Nuove' at Ostia", MAAR 10, 143-144.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/johnson/johnson-1932.pdf.
Jones C.P. 1998, "The pancratiasts Helix and Alexander on an Ostian mosaic", JRA 11, 293-298.
Joost N. 1961, "Hecht's Ostia Antica", The Explicator 2.
Comment: About a poem and the vision of Ostia (Augustinus).
Joska S. - Vuolanto V. 2020, "Children in the Roman World", Karivieri 2020, 261-267.
Joska S. - Vuolanto V. 2020, "Slavery in the Roman World", Karivieri 2020, 243-247.
Jouanique P. 1969, "A propos de la mosaique de l'aula des mensores a Ostie", REL 47, 418-423.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/jouanique/jouanique-1969.pdf.
Jouffroy H. 1986, La construction publique en Italie et dans l'afrique romaine.
Comment: Very useful compilation of building inscriptions; several references to Ostia.
Joyce H. 1981, The decoration of walls, ceilings and floors in Italy in the second and third centuries AD, Rome.
Jucker J. 1959, "Ein Stirnziegel aus der Sammlung J.J. Bachofen", MusHelv 16, 59-68.
Comment: Comparison with Ostian examples.