Rachet G. 1966, "Un grand port marchand: Ostie antique", Archeologia 13, 74-84. R
Radaelli E. 2018, "Los alimentos (vino y datiles) de Palestina y Libano en Roma y en Ostia durante el medio imperio (siglos II-principios del III d. C.): analisis de datos que derivan de las anforas", La alimentacion en la historia, 127-140, Salamanca.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/37689627.
Radaelli E. 2018, "The presence of North-African wines in Rome and Ostia during the Middle Imperial Age (2nd - early 3rd centuries AD)", Antesteria 7, 245-262.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/36597074.
Raff K.A. 2011, Painted decoration in the apartments of Roman Ostia: standardization, social status, and visual experience, Michigan.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/raff/raff-2011.pdf. PhD thesis University of Michigan.
Rainbird J.S. 1976, The Vigiles of Rome, Durham.
Comment: Full text: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/7455/. Doctoral thesis.
Rainbird J.S. 1986, "The Fire Stations of Imperial Rome", BSR 54, 147-169.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rainbird/rainbird-1986.pdf.
Rainer J.M. 2002, "Aspekte des roemischen Baurechts und Ostia", Ostia e Portus nelle loro relazioni con Roma (C. Bruun - A.G. Zevi edd.). ActaInstRomFin 27, 33-40, Roma.
Comment: Full text: https://archive.org/details/ostiaeportusnell0000unse.
Rainer M. 1984, "Die Mithrasverehrung in Ostia", Klio 66, 104-113.
Rakob F. 1987, "Ambivalente Apsiden - zur Zeichensprache der roemischen Architektur", RM 94, 1-28.
Ramieri A.M. 1990, I Vigili del Fuoco nella Roma Antica, Roma.
Ramieri A.M. 1994, "La basilica paleocristiana nel Parco di Castel Fusano", Historiam pictura refert, Studi di Antichita Cristiana 51.
Ramieri A.M. 1995, "La villa di Plinio a Castel Fusano", Archeologia laziale 12, 407-416.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/ramieri/ramieri-1995.pdf.
Ramieri A.M. 2008, "Via Severiana. Castel Fusano. Villa di Plinio", BullCom 109, 380-388.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26331386?seq=1.
Rankov B. 2008, "Roman Shipsheds and Roman Ships", The maritime world of ancient Rome (MAAR Supplementary Volumes) 6, 51-67, Ann Arbor.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40379297.
Raoss M. 1968, "Note di epigrafia latina e greca", Epigraphica 30, 96-104.
Rasi G.B. 1826, Sul Porto Romano di Ostia e di Fiumicino.
Comment: Full text: https://arachne.dainst.org/entity/2942194. Historical study of the ancient sources with map of Ostia and surroundings.
Rasi G.B. 1827, Sul Tevere e sua navigazione da Fiumicino a Roma, Roma.
Comment: Full text: https://ia801209.us.archive.org/12/items/bub_gb_NxZNx4pPsWsC/bub_gb_NxZNx4pPsWsC.pdf.
Rasi G.B. 1830, Sui due rami Tiberini di Fiumicino e di Ostia e sui porti di Claudio e di Trajano, Roma.
Rassat A. - Thuillier P. 1996, "A fullerene like ball in a second century Roman mosaic", Fullerene science and technology 4,6, 1087-1090.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rassat/rassat-1996.pdf. About a ball depicted on a mosaic in the Terme di Porta Marina.
Ravaglioli A. 2001, "Riscopriamo le attrattive dell'antica citta di Ostia", StrennaRom 62, 475-500.
Rawson B. 1966, "Family Life among the Lower Classes at Rome in the first two Centuries of the Empire", CP 65,2, 71-83.
Rawson B. (ed.) 1986, The Family in Ancient Rome. New Perspectives, London.
Rea J. 1972, "A Note on Flavius Piso, praefectus Aegypti", ZPE, 242-243.
Comment: Inscription from Ostia.
Rea J. 1979, "Epitoichographos", ZPE 36, 309-310.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rea/rea-1979.pdf.
Rebuffat R. 1974, "Tite-Live et la forteresse d'Ostia", Melanges P. Boyance, 631-652, Roma.
Comment: Full text: http://www.persee.fr/doc/efr_0000-0000_1974_ant_22_1_1703.
Redde M. 1979, "La representation des phares a l'epoque romaine", MEFRA 91, 845-872.
Comment: Full text: http://www.persee.fr/doc/mefr_0223-5102_1979_num_91_2_1214.
Redde M. 1983, "Portus le plus grand port du monde romain", Archeologie et Histoire 71, 54-61.
Reeder Williams E. 1978, "A Roman theater relief at the Johns Hopkins University", AntK 21, 32-39.
Regina F. 2010, "Ostia antica. Due nuovi casi di studio nella Regio III", BullCom 111, 55-70.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26417133?seq=1.
Rendell H.M. 1998, "Datazione con la termoluminiscenza della sequenza sabbiosa di Castelporziano: risultati preliminari", Castelporziano III, 161-163, Roma.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rendell/rendell-1998.pdf.
Rendell H.M. 2007, "Geomorphological and palaeoenvironmental studies at Castelporziano", Laurentine Shore Project, 1-5.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/laurentine-shore-project/rendell-2007.pdf.
Rendell H.M. - Claridge A. - Clarke M.L. 2007, "Late Holocene Mediterranean coastal change along the Tiber Delta and Roman occupation of the Laurentine shore, central Italy", Quaternary Geochronology 2, 83-88.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/3403092.
Rennie J. 1845, "The Harbour of Ostia", Excerpt Minutes of Proceeding of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London.
Reynolds P. 1995, "Trade in the Western Mediterranean, AD 400-700: The Ceramic Evidence", BAR 604.
Comment: Doctoral thesis, various references to Ostia.
Ricci G. 1939, "Sculture rinvenute nell'Isola Sacra", NSc, 59-78.
Ricci M. 1973, "Per una cronologia delle lucerne tardo-repubblicane", RStLig 39, 168-234.
Richardson P. 2003, "An Architectural Case for Synagogues as Associations", The Ancient Synagogue. From its Origins until 200 C.E. (B. Olsson - M. Zetterholm eds.), 90-117, Stockholm.
Comment: Comparison between the Synagogue and the Caseggiato dei Triclinii.
Richter G.M.A. 1955, "Greek Portraits: Study of their Development", CollLatomus 20, 16-21.
Richter G.M.A. 1971, "New Signatures of Greek Sculptors", AJA 75, 434-435.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/richter/richter-1971.pdf. Three statue bases with the name Lysikles found at Ostia.
Rickman G.E. 1971, Roman Granaries and Store Buildings, Cambridge.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rickman/rickman-1971-2.pdf and http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rickman/rickman-1971.pdf (Ostia only: 15-86).
Rickman G.E. 1980, The Corn Supply of Ancient Rome, Oxford.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rickman/rickman-1980.pdf.
Rickman G.E. 1985, "Towards a study of Roman ports", Harbour Archaeology (BAR 257) 257, 105-114.
Rickman G.E. 1988, "The archaeology and history of Roman ports", IJNA 17, 257-267.
Rickman G.E. 1991, "Problems of transport and development of ports", Nourrir la plebe (Hommage a D. van Berchem) (A. Giovannini ed.), 103-118, Basel - Kassel.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rickman/rickman-1991.pdf.
Rickman G.E. 1996, "Portus in perspective", Gallina Zevi 1996, 281-291.
Rickman G.E. 2002, "Rome, Ostia and Portus: the problem of storage", MEFRA 114, 353-362.
Comment: Full text: http://www.persee.fr/doc/mefr_0223-5102_2002_num_114_1_10700.
Rickman G.E. 2005, "Portus Romae?", Terra marique. Studies in art history and marine archaeology in honor of A.M. McCann, 232-237, Oxford.
Rieche A. 1978, Das Antike Italien aus der Luft, Bergisch Gladbach.
Comment: Ostia and Portus: 197-206; recent aerial photograph of Ostia on pp. 198-199; aerial photograph of Portus on p. 204; a few other illustrations.
Rieger A.-K. 2001, "Les sanctuaires publics a Ostie de la Republique jusqu'au Haut Empire", Descoeudres J.-P. 2001, 247-261.
Rieger A.-K. 2004, "Heiligtuemer in Ostia", Studien zur antiken Stadt 8, Muenchen.
Reviews: F. van Haeperen, AntCl 74 (2005), 233-243 (Cultes et sanctuaires d'Ostie: quelques reflexions a partir d'un ouvrage recent); R. Geremia Nucci, ArchCl 56 (2005), 545-556; P. Pensabene, ArchCl 56 (2005), 497-531; F. Zevi, ArchCl 56 (2005), 533-543; M. Hesse, Gymnasium 113,4 (2006), 399-400.
Rieger A.-K. 2005, "Die Vielfalt eines Gottes. Ueberlegungen zu einer Statue des Attis aus Ostia", Neue Fragen, neue Antworten. Antike Kunst als Thema der Gender Studies, 141-154, Muenster.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/4268698.
Rieger A.-K. 2007, "Lokale Tradition versus ueberregionale Einheit. Der Kult der Magna Mater", Mediterranea 4, 89-120.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/4439014.
Rieger A.-K. 2011, "Wie persoenlich kann ein Votiv sein? Eine archaeologisch-historische Annaeherung an Weihungen aus dem Magna-Mater-Heiligtum von Ostia", Hephaistos 28, 149-165.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/2028610.
Rieger A.-K. 2013, "Die Grosse Goettin im Hafen Roms. Heiligtum und Kult der Magna Mater in Ostia", Imperium der Goetter. Isis, Mithras, Christus. Kulte und Religionen im Roemischen Reich, 104-113, Karlsruhe.
Riemann H. 1987, "Praenestinae sorores: Tibur, Ostia, Antium", RM 94, 131-162.
Righi R. 1973-1974, "Rinvenimento di anfore lungo la riva dell'antico stagno ostiense", FA 28-29, Nr. 10022.
Comment: Excavations at Pianabella, localita Longarina.
Rinaldi E. 2012, Restauro e conservazione a Ostia nella prima meta del Novecento, Roma.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rinaldi/rinaldi-2012.pdf. Tesi di dottorato.
Rinaldi E. 2014, "I restauri ostiensi di Vaglieri", Bollettino di Archeologia Online 5,2, 47-54.
Comment: Full text: http://bollettinodiarcheologiaonline.beniculturali.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/7_V_2014_2-Rinaldi_18.02.2015.pdf.
Rinaldi E. 2015, "Conservare e 'rivelare' Ostia: per una rilettura dei restauri della prima meta del Novecento", Restauro Archeologico, 46-67.
Comment: Full text: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309424453_Conservare_e_'rivelare'_Ostia_per_una_rilettura_dei_restauri_della_prima_meta_del_Novecento.
Rinaldi E. 2018, "La conservazione dei quartieri occidentali di Ostia: ricerche in corso ed esperienze attuali", Nouvelles etudes et recherches sur les quartiers occidentaux de la cite. Actes du colloque international (Rome-Ostia Antica, 22-24 septembre 2014) (C. De Ruyt, Th. Morard, F. Van Haeperen eds.), 229-238, Bruxelles-Rome.
Ring J.W. 1996, "Windows, Baths, and Solar Energy in the Roman Empire", AJA 100,4, 717-724.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/ring/ring-1996.pdf.
Riva S. 1999, "Le cucine delle case di Ostia", Meded 58, 117-128.
Comment: Full text: http://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/retroboeken/knir/#page=0&accessor=toc1&view=homePane.
Rivello E. 2002, "Nuove acquisizioni sul deposito della Longarina (Ostia Antica)", MEFRA 114, 421-449.
Comment: Full text: http://www.persee.fr/doc/mefr_0223-5102_2002_num_114_1_10704.
Rivello E. 2003, "Terra sigillata italica dalla Longarina (Ostia Antica)", ReiCretActa 38, 69-72.
Rizzo D. 2014, "Archeologia preventiva nel territorio di Fiumicino. I risultati dell'attivita di tutela", Etruria in progress. La ricerca archeologica in Etruria meridionale, 176-183, Roma.
Rizzo G. 2007, "Le importazioni romane ed ostiensi di anfore egizie tra il I e il VII secolo d.C.", CahCerEg 8, 657-667.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/1389108.
Rizzo G. 2012, "Roma e Ostia, un binomio ancora possibile? Di alcuni generi trasportati in anfora in eta tardo-antonina", Keay 2012, 87-103.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/9351422.
Rizzo G. 2018, "Ostia, le anfore e i commerci mediterranei. Un bilancio preliminare", ArchCl 69, 223-266.
Comment: Full text: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26600532.
Rizzo G.E. 1907, "Il discobolo di Castel Porziano", BdA 1, 3-14.
Comment: Full text: http://www.bollettinodarte.beniculturali.it/opencms/multimedia/BollettinoArteIt/documents/1347022509502_4-G._E._Rizzo_Il_Discobolo_di_Castel_Porziano_p.3.pdf.
Rizzo S. 1976, "I mosaici della villa di Plinio", Capitolium 51,4, 44-49.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rizzo/rizzo-1976.pdf.
Robert C. 1911, "Archaeologische Nachlese", Hermes 46, 249-253.
Comment: Full text: http://www.digizeitschriften.de/download/PPN509862098_0046/PPN509862098_0046___log26.pdf. On a relief in the Vatican Museum with a harbour scene.
Robert C. 1919, Archaeologische Hermeneutik, 73-75, Berlin.
Comment: Full text: https://archive.org/details/archaeologischeh00robe/page/n6/mode/2up.
Rocco Ronzani P. 2012, "Santa Monica nell'Urbe. Dalla tarda antichita al rinascimento. Storia, agiografia, arte", Sanctorum. Rivista dell'associazione per lo studio della santit…, dei culti e dell'agiografia 8-9, 323-326, Roma.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/7830614.
Rodriguez-Almeida E. 2002, "Ancora nella tradizione", Formae Urbis Antiquae: le mappe marmoree di Roma tra la Repubblica e Settimio Severo, 51-59, Roma.
Comment: Full text: https://books.openedition.org/efr/1899. Description of a fragment of a marble plan of Portus or Ostia (photograph: Tav. VI).
Roewer R. 1976, "Eklektischer Juenglingskopf", DialArch 9-10, 497-503.
Comment: Comparison with statue of Apollo from Ostia.
Rohde D. 2009, "Der Piazzale delle Corporazioni in Ostia. Wirtschaftliche Funktion und soziale Bedeutung", MBAH 27, 31-61.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/4182250.
Rohde D. 2011, "Individuum - collegium - Stadtgemeinde. Das Integrationspotenzial kaiserzeitlicher collegia am Beispiel der ostiensischen fabri tignuarii", Omni historia curiosus, 79-93, Wiesbaden.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/4182256.
Rohde D. 2012, Zwischen Individuum und Stadtgemeinde: die Integration von Collegia in Hafenstaedten, Mainz.
Comment: About collegia in Ostia, Ephesos und Perinthos.
Rohde D. 2018, "Die Getreideversorgung Roms und die navicularii", Die Verwaltung der Stadt Rom in der hohen Kaiserzeit, 145-165, Paderborn.
Comment: Full text at request.
Rohde D. 2020, "Roman Port Societies and Their Collegia: Differences and Similarities between the Associations of Ostia and Ephesos", Roman port societies: The Evidence of Inscriptions, 107-131, Cambridge.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/arnaud/arnaud-2020.pdf.
Rollo W. 1934, "Ostia", GaR 4, 40-53.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rollo/rollo-1934.pdf.
Romanelli P. 1927, "Ricordi di Tripolitani a Roma e in Italia", BullCom 4, 69-84.
Comment: Reprint in 'In Africa e a Roma', Roma 1981, 57-72.
Romanelli P. 1946, "Ricerche della citta repubblicana", FA 1, Nr. 1978.
Comment: Works of the Soprintendenza 1946.
Romanelli P. 1947, "Scavi nella citta", FA 2, Nr. 2686.
Comment: Works of the Soprintendenza 1947.
Romanelli P. 1948, "Scavi nella citta", FA 3, Nr. 3339.
Comment: Works of the Soprintendenza 1948.
Romanelli P. 1949, "Scavi nella citta", FA 4, Nr. 3880.
Comment: Works of the Soprintendenza 1949.
Romanelli P. 1950, "Scavi nella citta", FA 5, Nr. 4267.
Comment: Works of the Soprintendenza 1950.
Romanelli P. 1953, "Le iscrizioni di Ostia e del Porto di Roma", Actes du IIe Congres Int. d'Epigraphie Grecque et Latine, 277-285, Paris.
Romanelli P. 1960, "Di alcune testimonianze epigrafiche sui rapporti tra l'Africa e Roma", CahTun 31, 63-72.
Comment: Reprint in 'In Africa e a Roma', Roma 1981, 185-202.
Romanelli P. 1962, "Opus sectile ostiense", AttiCAntCl 6, 317-319.
Romanelli P. 1962, "Un modiglione di Leptis Magna con decorazione di nodo di serpenti", AJA 66, 313-315.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/romanelli/romanelli-1962.pdf. Some antefixes from Ostia.
Romanelli P. 1964, "A proposito della 'Schola juvenum' di Mactaris", CahTun 45-46, 11-17.
Comment: Comparison of the collegial seats at Ostia and Mactaris.
Romanelli P. 1971, "Della popolazione di Cartagine. Leptis Minus colonia", RendLinc 26, 11-17.
Comment: Stamps on amphorae from Ostia.
Romanelli P. - Felletti Maj B.M. 1978, "Monumenti della pittura antica scoperta in Italia", Un decennio di ricerche archeologiche 2, 233-242, Roma.
Romano G. 2004, "Il mitreo delle Terme del Mitra di Ostia", Forma Urbis 9,5, 12-20.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/9926826.
Romano G. 2004, "Il teatro e il Piazzale delle corporazioni di Ostia", Forma Urbis 9,9, 18-25.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/9927065.
Romano G. 2004, "Il thermopolium della via di Diana a Ostia antica", Forma Urbis 9,10, 23-28.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/9927549.
Romano G. 2004, "Le terme del foro di Ostia antica", Forma Urbis 9,12, 18-25.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/9927811.
Romano G. 2005, "I mitrei di Ostia antica", Forma Urbis 10,2, 30-39.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/9928035.
Romano G. 2005, "Le terme di Nettuno di Ostia antica", Forma Urbis 10,7-8, 11-18.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/9943037.
Romano G. 2007, "Il foro di Ostia antica", Forma Urbis 12,1, 16-23.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/9981955.
Romano G. 2007, "La caserma dei vigili di Ostia antica", Forma Urbis 12,10, 14-20.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/10941036.
Romano G. 2007, "Le terme di Porta Marina di Ostia antica", Forma Urbis 12,5, 13-20.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/10906708.
Romano G. 2008, "Le Terme dei sette sapienti di Ostia antica", Forma Urbis 13,6, 35-41.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/10957882.
Romano L. 2018, 'Alla ricerca di Mithra': progetto di digital storytelling per i mitrei ostiensi, Roma.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/38409210.
Romeo I. 1999, "Tra Massenzio e Costantino: il ruolo delle officine urbane ed ostiensi nella creazione del ritratto costantiniano", BullCom 100, 197-228.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/709205.
Romeo I. 2009, "Ritratti ostiensi del tipo 'Plotino': repliche, prototipo, interpretazione", Ou pan ephemoron. Scritti in memoria di Roberto Pretagostini (C. Braidotti - E. Dettori - E. Lanzillotta eds.), 749-767, Roma.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/8406011.
Romeo I. 2015, "Loutron alexiponon. La decorazione scultorea delle Terme del Foro di Ostia dal II secolo alla tarda antichita", RM 121, 533-566.
Romeo I. 2016, "Contemporaneita dell'antico: ritratti tardoimperiali da Ostia", Acta XVI Congressus Internationalis Archeologiae Christianae (Brandt O. - Castiglia G. eds.) 2, 1471-1488, Citta del Vaticano.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/35480197.
Romeo I. 2017, "La fine del ritratto antico a Ostia", RendPontAcc 89, 3-24.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/40367096.
Romeo I. 2019, "I ritratti romani dal 250 circa al VI secolo d.C.", Scavi di Ostia. I ritratti. Parte III XVII, Firenze.
Romoli E. 1999, I sarcofagi strigilati di Ostia Antica.
Comment: Tesi di Laurea Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia Universita degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza Anno Accademico 1998/1999.
Romoli E. 2001, "Sarcofago strigilato con Orfeo", Aurea Roma. Dalla citta pagana alla citta cristiana (S. Ensoli - E. La Rocca ed.), 618f. nr. 322.
Comment: Sarcophagus from the so called 'Oratorio Cristiano', catalog of an exhibition at Rome.
Roncaglia C. 2019, "Claudius' houseboat", Greece and Rome 66,1, 61-70.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/roncaglia/roncaglia-2019.pdf.
Ronnick M.V. 1995, "Juvenal, Satire 12.81: Ubi est 'ibi'?", Scholia 4, 105-107.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/ronnick/ronnick-1995.pdf. Juvenal's twelfth satire concerns the arrival of a storm-tossed ship at Ostia. One passenger, a Roman named Catullus, is given a lavish but traditional welcome. The foreign sailors, however, gaudent ibi vertice raso. Since they act like followers of Isis, ibi is perhaps the settlement at the Claudian port.
Ronzani R. - Sciberras J. 2014, "La ricognizione delle reliquie di santa Monica in occasione del rifacimento dell'altare in S. Agostino in Campo Marzio (1758-1760). Note storiche ed edizione dei testi", Analecta Augustiniana, 15-41.
Comment: Full text: https://www.academia.edu/10736584.
Rosa P. 1865, "Adunanze dell'instituto", Bullettino dell'Instituto di Corrispondenza Archeologica, 86.
Comment: Full text: https://archive.org/details/bullettinodellin1865inst/page/86/mode/2up.
Rosa P. - Brizio E. 1873, "Via Ostiense - Scavi d'Ostia", Sulle scoperte archeologiche della citta e provincia di Roma negli anni 1871-1872 (P. Rosa ed.), 88-95, Roma.
Comment: Full text: https://arachne.dainst.org/entity/3305594.
Rosati C. 2018, "Le lucerne tardoantiche. Dal progetto ostia marina", Ostia Antica. Nouvelles etudes et recherches sur les quartiers occidentaux de la cite (C. de Ruyt, T. Morard, F. van Haeperen eds.), Roma-Leuven.
Comment: Full text: http://www.bhir-ihbr.be/doc/14_ostia_antica.pdf.
Rose H.J. 1933, "The Cult of Volkanus at Rome", JRS 23, 46-63.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rose2/rose2-1933.pdf.
Rose P. 2005, Remapping Ostia: a systematic study of the urban landscape of Ostia from the 2nd to the 4th century AD, Reading.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/rose/rose-2005.pdf. PhD thesis.
Rose P. 2006, "Report on topographical survey and DEM modelling at Castelporziano. September-October 2006", Laurentine Shore Project, 1-3.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/laurentine-shore-project/rose-2006.pdf.
Rose P. 2007, "Report on topographical survey and DEM modelling at Castelporziano. April-May 2007", Laurentine Shore Project, 1-6.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/laurentine-shore-project/rose-2007.pdf.
Ross M.C. 1945, "Fragment of a Consular Diptych", AJA 49,4, 449-451.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/ross/ross-1945.pdf.
Ross Taylor L. 1912, The Cults of Ostia, BrynMawr.
Reviews: J. Toutain, RHR 73 (1916), 131; H. Stuart Jones, CR 28 (1914), 25; JRS 3 (1913), 152; Barret, CW 7 (1913), 143.
Comment: Full text: https://ia800306.us.archive.org/28/items/cultsofostia00tayl/cultsofostia00tayl.pdf.
Ross Taylor L. 1936, "The Publii Lucilii Gamalae of Ostia", AJP 57, 183-189.
Comment: Full text: http://www.ostia-antica.org/fulltext/ross-taylor/ross-taylor-1936.pdf.
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