Tum demum ad naves gradior qua fronte bicorni dividuus Tiberis dexteriora secat. Laevus inaccessis fluvius vitatur arenis. Hospitis Aeneae gloria sola manet. |
Then at length I proceed to the ships, where with two-horned brow the branching Tiber cleaves his way to the right. The channel on the left is avoided for its unapproachable sands: its one remaining boast is to have welcomed Aeneas. |
Rutilius Namatianus in his poem "The Voyage Home" (De Reditu Suo), set in 416 AD. Translation A.M. Duff. |
The opus sectile found outside the Porta Marina. Museo dell'Alto Medioevo, Rome.
Dated to the 380's AD. Photo: Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica.