Tomb 19 (early-Antonine)
The walls with arcosolia have a white background with green garlands and tendrils, yellow flowers, and winged griffins. Between the garlands is a mask.
General view.
Photo: ICCD E041030.
A griffin.
Photo: Calza 1940, fig. 60.
A mask.
Photo: ICCD E041045.
In one of the arcosolia two sea-horses flank yellow flowers and green vegetation, in the other arcosolia is aquatic vegetation.
Paintings in arcosolia.
Photo: ICCD E017013.
Painting in an arcosolium: a landscape between two hippocamps.
Photo: ICCD E017025.
Detail of the landscape.
Photo: ICCD E041073.
Detail of a hippocamp.
Photo: ICCD E041078.
A married couple holding hands (dextrarum iunctio) is depicted in the semicircular central niche for urns in the back wall.
A dextrarum iunctio.
Photo: ICCD E041107.
Detail of the wife.
Photo: Scavi di Ostia V, Tav. A.
Detail of the wife.
Photo: ICCD E041046.
A man and a horse are depicted in the semicircular central niche for urns in the left wall. The painting of the central niche in the right wall is lost.
A man and a horse.
Photo: ICCD E041052.
A man and a horse, detail.
Photo: ICCD E041053.
Smaller rectangular niches for urns have floral morifs and dancing Fauns. Higher up in the walls are curved decorative niches, each with a plaster pine cone painted with scales.
Floral motifs.
Photo: ICCD E041180.
Floral motifs.
Photo: Parco Archeologico di Ostia.
A Faun.
Photo: ICCD E041103.