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Tomb 26 (Severan)

One arcosolium is decorated with an aquatic scene of a putto and ducks.

Watercolour of a putto and ducks.
Image: Calza 1940, Tav. V.

Detail of a duck.
Photo: ICCD E041064.

Detail of a duck and a putto.
Photo: ICCD E041067.

Detail of ducks.
Photo: ICCD E041066.

Detail of a duck.
Photo: ICCD E041065.

Another arcosolium is decorated with a deer hunt.

Deer hunt.
Photo: ICCD E041082.

Deer hunt, detail of dogs.
Photo: ICCD E041080.

Yet another arcosolium is decorated with a Dionysiac scene.

Dionysiac scene.
Photo: ICCD E041057.

Dionysiac scene, detail of the left part, mask and panther.
Photo: ICCD E041058.

Dionysiac scene, detail of the right part.
Photo: ICCD E041176.