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Tomb 34 (Severan)

In the arcosolia, of opus vittatum, are paintings of (aquatic) landscapes, hunting scenes, and fishing amorini.

Arcosolium with two partridges.
Photo: ICCD E017023.

Arcosolium with ducks.
Photo: ICCD E017016.

Detail of a duck.
Photo: ICCD E041068.

Detail of a duck.
Photo: ICCD E041069.

Arcosolium with a deer hunt.
Photo: ICCD E017020.

Detail of dogs.
Photo: ICCD E041081.

Detail of a deer.
Photo: ICCD E041083.

Arcosolium with a deer hunt.
Photo: ICCD E017021.

Arcosolium with two cows.
Photo: ICCD E017022.

Arcosolium with birds.
Photo: ICCD E017018.

Arcosolium with fishing amorini.
Photo: ICCD E017017.

Arcosolium with fishing amorini.
Photo: ICCD E041060.

Detail of amorini.
Photo: ICCD E041061.

Detail of amorini.
Photo: ICCD E041090.