Porto Torres - basilica of San Gavino
The Basilica of Gavinus was built in the late 11th - early 12th century. It is dedicated to Gavinus, a soldier who died as martyr durng the persecution of Diocletianus in 304 AD, together with a priest and a deacon called Protus and Ianuarius. Below the church the remains of an older basilica have been excavated.
The Basilica of Gavinus. Photo: Wikimedia, Cheryll.The building is located in what was the vast, southern necropolis of the city. Inside, sarcophagi from the third and fourth century can be seen, a few of which may have been made in Ostia. One has a depiction of Apollo and the Muses. The deceased couple is seated, the wife to the left holding a lyre, the husband to the right, holding a scroll. It has been dated to the early fourth century. Another, from the third century, has a depiction of Orpheus playing the lyre.
The sarcophagus with Apollo and the Muses. Photo: Wikimedia, Sailko.
The sarcophagus with Orpheus. Photo: Wikimedia, Sailko.