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The later third century

 1. Introduction
 2. Change in the shadows
 3. Collapse
 4. Rome steps in
 5. Commerce
 6. Religion and the East
 7. Martyrs
 8. Unexpected wealth
 9. The Tetrarchy

Papyri from Egypt, from 250 AD, with declarations after a decree of the Emperor Decius, which required all the inhabitants of the empire to sacrifice.
Christians who refused to offer a sacrifice for the Emperor and the Empire's well-being were killed.
To the commissioners of sacrifices at Oxyrhynchus from Aurelius Gaion son of Ammonius and Taeus.

I have always been accustomed to sacrifice and make libations and pay reverence to the gods in accordance with the orders of the divine decree, and now in your presence I have sacrificed and made libation and tasted the offering along with Taos my wife and Ammonius and Ammonianus my sons and Thecla my daughter, acting through me, and I request you to certify my statement.

The 1st year of the Emperor Caesar Gaius Messius Quintus Trajanus Decius Pius Felix Augustus, Epeiph 3.

I, Aurelius Gaion, have presented this declaration.
I, Aurelius Sarapion also called Chaeremon, wrote for him, as he is illiterate.
To the commissioners of sacrifices from Aurelia Demos, without patronymic, daughter of Helena and wife of Aurelius Irenaeus, of the quarter of the Hellenium.

I have always been wont to sacrifice to the gods, and now also in your presence, in accordance with the command, I have made sacrifice and libation and tasted the offering, and I request you to certify my statement. Farewell.

I, Aurelia Demos, have presented this declaration.
I, Aurelius Irenaeus, wrote for her, as she is illiterate.
I, Aurelius Sabinus, prytanis, saw you sacrificing.

The 1st year of the Emperor Caesar Gaius Messius Quintus Trajanus Decius Pius Felix Augustus, Pauni 20.
P. Oxy. 1464 and P. Ryl. 12. Select papyri II, nrs. 318-319. Translation A.S. Hunt - C.C. Edgar.

Detail of masonry in Portus. Photo: Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica.