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Caseggiato del Larario (I,IX,3) - nrs. 266-367

The building
Description and function The ground floor of the building consists of shops, both in the south and west facade, and in the interior. The shops in the interior are arranged around a courtyard, that could be accessed through vestibules in the centre of the south facade and the north part of the west facade. A well-head was found in the courtyard with an inscription mentioning the grain measurers.
Date Early Hadrianic.

Nrs. 266-342
Description There are many cornerstones in the south and west facade, and in the jambs of the rooms around the courtyard. We will begin the description with the latter stones.
The only rooms around the courtyard without stones are vestibule 4 and staircase 23. Almost all jambs have low stones, stones at mid-height and high stones. On the plan we have indicated only stones with special features, such as bolt-holes and metal. The corresponding numbers are in bold in the description.
Nrs. 266-268: room 16, west. In the low stone (nr. 266) a round hole in the north side, diam. 0.025.
Nrs. 269-271: room 16, east. In the low stone (nr. 269) a round hole with metal in the north side, diam. 0.05.
Nrs. 272-274: room 17, west. in the mid stone (nr. 273) a curved hole passing through the stone from north to east, more or less square, meas. 0.03 x 0.04 and 0.03 x 0.03. The inside of the hole is very smooth.
Nrs. 275-277: room 17, east.
Nrs. 278-280: room 18, south.
Nrs. 281-283: room 18, north.
Nrs. 284-286: room 19, south.
Nrs. 287-289: room 19, north.
Nrs. 290-292: room 20, east.
Nrs. 293-295: room 20, west.
Nrs. 296-298: room 21, east. In the high stone (nr. 298) a round hole with metal in the south side, diam. 0.03. The low stone (nr. 296) is damaged.
Nrs. 299-301: room 21, west. The high stone (nr. 301) is damaged. It contains metal running from north to south, 0.05 deep in the stone. The low stone (nr. 299) is damaged.
Nrs. 302-304: room 22, east. In the high stone (nr. 304) is a round hole, broken off, running from north to south, diam. 0.05, 0.08 deep in the stone. Presumably for metal.
Nrs. 305-307: room 22, west. The mid and high stone (nrs. 306-307) are damaged and could have had a hole with metal.
There is a corridor between rooms 10 and 23. In the east wall is a doorway leading to room 23, not indicated on the plan.
Nrs. 308-310: room 23, south. In the mid stone (nr. 309) a groove and hole (locking device).
Nrs. 311-312: room 23, north. A low and mid stone only, the upper part of the wall is modern. In the mid stone (nr. 312) a groove and hole (locking device).
Nrs. 313-314: room 24, east. A low and mid stone only. The mid stone (nr. 314) is damaged. Metal is protruding from the south side.
Nr. 315: room 24, west. A mid stone only. This stone (nr. 315) has a round hole with metal on the south side, diam. 0.025.
Nr. 316: room 10, north. A mid stone only.
Nr. 317: room 10, south. A mid stone only.
Nr. 318: room 10, south wall. This stone (nr. 318) is a "centralized" stone, high up in the centre of the south wall.
Nr. 319: room 12, east. A mid stone only. This stone (nr. 319) has a round hole with metal on the damaged inside (west side), diam. 0.015, depth 0.03. An iron object seems to have been fastened with a lead plug.
Nr. 320: room 12, west. A low stone only.
Nrs. 321-322: room 13, northern entrance, north. A low and mid stone only.
Nrs. 323-324: room 13, northern entrance, south. A low and mid stone only.
Nrs. 325-327: room 13, southern entrance, north. In the low stone (nr. 325) a round hole with metal in the east side, diam. 0.025-0.03. An square iron pin seems to have been fastened with a lead plug. In the inside of the mid stone (nr. 326) a rectangular hole, 0.03 x 0.025. In the inside of the high stone (nr. 327) a large, damaged hole (bolt-hole?).
Nrs. 328-330: room 13, southern entrance, south.
Nrs. 331-333: room 14, north.
Nrs. 334-336: room 14, south.
Nrs. 337-339: room 15, west. In the low and mid stone (nrs. 337-338) a round hole with metal in the north side, diam. 0.02.
Nrs. 340-342: room 15, east. In the inside of the mid stone (nr. 341) bolt-holes.

Plan of the building

Plan of the building. After SO I.
Date The stones belong to the first building phase.
Measurements The stones at the south side (15 west to 17 east / 18 south) start at a greater height than the others. Unfortunately the meas. provided by VdM cannot be related to individual stones. Typical meas. for the higher stones seem to be: low starts at 0.35; l. 0.29, w. 0.15, h. 0.16; mid starts at 1.41; l. 0.22, w. 0.11, h. 0.16; high starts at 2.58; l. 0.29, w. 0.15, h. 0.21. For the lower stones: low starts at 0.17; l. 0.26, w. 0.10, h. 0.10; mid starts at 1.14; l. 0.26, w. 0.10, h. 0.10; high starts at 2.17; l. 0.34, w. 0.10, h. 0.10.

A stone similar to 273 has been found in the Horrea Epagathiana et Epaphroditiana (I,VIII,3) (cornerstone 244). Both have a curved hole passing diagonally through the stone. They are very smooth on the inside.

Nrs. 343-367
Description The description is continued with the stones in the facade. The only rooms without stones are vestibules 4 and 10. Probably all other jambs had low, mid and high stones, but the upper part of most jambs has not been preserved.
Nr. 343: room 11, north. Low.
Nrs. 344-345: room 11, south. Low and mid.
Nrs. 346-347: room 9, north. Low and mid.
Nrs. 348-349: room 9, south. Low and mid.
Nrs. 350-351: room 8, north. Low and mid.
Nrs. 352-354: room 8, south. Low, mid and high.
Nrs. 355-356: room 7, north. Mid and high.
Nrs. 357-358: room 7, south. Low and mid. A groove / bolt-hole in the mid stone.
Nrs. 359-360: room 6, north. Low and mid. Bolt-holes in the mid stone.
Nr. 361: room 6, south. Low.
Nr. 362: room 6, west. Low.
Nr. 363: room 6, east. Low.
Nr. 364: room 5, west. Low.
Nr. 365: room 5, east. Low.
Nr. 366: room 3, west. Low.
Nr. 367: room 1, east. Low.

Plan of the building

Plan of the building. After SO I.
Date The stones belong to the first building phase.
Measurements The stones in the north part of the west facade (8 south to 11 north) start at a greater height than the others. Unfortunately the meas. provided by VdM are incomplete and cannot be related to individual stones. Stones 352-354 start at 0.90, 1.80 and 2.75 from the ground. The high stone 356 starts at 2.40 from the ground. Cf. the situation around the courtyard, where the stones to the south are at a greater height than the others.

There might be a centralized stone in the facade between rooms 7 and 8. This must be checked.


The courtyard seen from the west.

Detail of the north side of stone 269 (low), with metal.

Detail of the north side of stone 273 (mid), with a hole passing through the stone.

Detail of stone 301 (high), with metal running from north to south.
Seen from below and the south-east.

Detail of stone 304 (high), with a round hole, presumably for metal, running from north to south.
Seen from below and the south-west.

Stone 306-307 (mid and high), seen from the south-east.

Detail of the south side of stone 315 (mid), with metal.

Detail of the inside (west side) of stone 319 (mid), with metal, apparently iron and a lead plug.

Detail of the metal in the east side of stone 325 (low), apparently iron and a lead plug.

General view of the west facade, seen from the south-west.