Endymion sarcophagus
Excavated in 1831-1834, bought from Innocenti in 1887-1888. Formerly in the Villa Pacca, Rome.
Date: c. 150-175 AD. W. 1.85, h. 0.53, d. 0.54 (sarcophagus without the lid).
On one photo a lid can be seen on this sarcophagus. It is no longer on display, but it is not really clear what happened to it. It carries an inscription in a frame, carried by winged victories that are flanked by masks:
D(is) M(anibus)
DVLCISSIMOTo the gods of the underworld.
For Aurelius Lucanus.
Gratus (slave) of the Emperor and Sulpicia Lasciva,
parents, for their
dearest son.
The shepherd Endymion was a lover of Selene, goddess of the moon. The relief is flanked by two figures of Eros-Thanatos, leaning on an upside-down torch. In the left half Endymion is sleeping, holding a shepherd's staff. To make him sleep, Hypnos, holding a pine branch, pours poppy-juice over him from a horn. From the right Selene is approaching in a chariot, admiring Endymion. On her head is a moon crescent. She is preceded by two winged cupids, one holding a torch.
In the right half a winged goddess holding a torch stretches out her right hand to one of the horses pulling the chariot, on which stands another winged cupid. At the far right is a seated shepherd patting a dog, below a goat and a sheep.
Poulsen 1951, cat. nr. 784. Inv. nr. 848. Inscription CIL XIV, 662. EDR151440. Arachne 8889. Photos: Arachne and Flickr, AncientDigitalMaps.