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A visit by Guido Calza to the Netherlands in 1933

A number of letters referring to a visit by Guido Calza to the Netherlands in 1933 can be consulted in the Dousa-room of the Library of Leiden University. They are part of the archive of A.W. Byvanck, former professor of Classical Archaeology in Leiden.

Archive BPL 3007, sub Calza.
Archive BPL 3008, sub Rome - Scavi di Ostia.

1) From 3007

a) Letter by G. Calza to prof. A.W. Byvanck. Written in Utrecht, no date or illegible.
Quote: "Nelle tristi condizioni in cui sono, desidero tornare a casa e parto infatti questa sera direttamente per Roma dove dovra subire un'operazione." [...] "spero di poter tornare in ottobre."
Bad handwriting may well reflect Calza's illness.

b) Letter by Mr. Marc van Leer to prof. Byvanck. Written in Amsterdam, 24.3.33.
Quote: "De tournee die nu helaas niet is doorgegaan zal nu [...] einde october plaats vinden." ("The tour that now unfortunately was cancelled wil now [...] take place at the end of October.")

c) Postcard of Ostia, sent by G. Calza to prof. Byvanck. Written in Ostia, 2,V,33.
Quote: "Appena uscito di clinica e felicemente operato [...] spero di vederle in autumno."

d) Letter by Marc van Leer to prof. Byvanck. Written in Amsterdam, 7 June 1933.
Quote: "In antwoord op je brief van gisteren haast ik mij je te berichten dat de tournee van Calza in October m.i. geheel door kan gaan". ("In reply to your letter of yesterday I hasten to inform you that Calza's tour can, in my view, take place in its entirety.")
Cities mentioned are The Hague, Groningen and Leiden.

e) Postcard by Van Leer to Byvanck. Written in Amsterdam, 22.9.33.
Quote: "Van Calza ontving ik een kaart met verzoek om mededeelingen over zijn tournee." ("I received a postcard by Calza with a request for information about his tour.")
Possible dates for the visit to Leiden are Friday 27 October and November 3.

f) Letter by Van Leer to Byvanck. Written in Amsterdam, 10 Oct 1933.
Quote: "Ik ontving hedenmorgen een brief van Calza, naar aanleiding waarvan ik je moet mededeelen dat hij niet eerder dan 30 Oct in het land komt. De 2 lezingen in Leiden zal hij dus alleen op Vrijdag 3 november kunnen houden." [...] "Kan hij 's middags voor de studenten in het Fransch over Ostia en 's avonds voor de Dante in het Italiaansch daarover spreken, of zal hij voor de Dante over de Fori spreken." ("This morning I received a letter by Calza, in consequence of which I have to tell you that he will not arrive in the country before Oct 30. Therefore he can give the 2 lectures in Leiden only on Friday November 3." [...] "Can he speak in the afternoon for the students in French about Ostia and in the evening for Dante in Italian about the same subject, or will he speak for Dante about the Fori.")
Van Leer then explains that each section of the society Dante Alighieri is expected to provide some money for Calza.
Quote: "Laat de penningmeester mij dus gireeren wat jullie kas betalen kan." ("Let your treasurer therefore transfer what you can afford"). Below that, in pencil, was added: "70 guilders".

g) Postcard by G. Calza to Byvanck. Written in Rome:
"Roma 31 - via vitt. Arminjon 8"
Calza confirms he will be in Leiden.

h) Letter by Van Leer to Byvanck. Written in Amsterdam, 31.10.33.
Quote: "Calza zal donderdagavond in den Haag spreken en op mijn raad in Hotel Terminus blijven om vrijdagochtend het Mauritshuis en het museum Scheurleer te bezichtigen." [...] "Het lijkt mij het beste dat Calza in den Haag koffie drinkt en dan met de trein van 13.54 naar Leiden gaat (aankomst 14.05). Zul je hem dan van den trein halen?" ("Calza will spreak in The Hague Thursday morning and on my advice stay in Hotel Terminus. Friday morning he will visit the Mauritshuis and the museum Scheurleer". [...] "It seems best to me that Calza has coffee in The Hague and then takes the 13.54 train to Leiden (arrival 14.05). Will you be there to greet him?")

2) From 3008

a) Letter by G. Calza to Byvanck. Written in Rome, 14 Nov 1933.
A polite "thank you"-note.