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Descriptions of the buildings in the harbours of Claudius and Trajan, with a text menu and clickable plans, followed by a few topics.
[Descriptions - harbour of Claudius]
Moles and Basin of Claudius
Lighthouse of Claudius
Baths and cistern on Monte Giulio
Monte Arena
Museum of the ships

[Descriptions - harbour of Trajan]
Channels, Inner Harbour and Hexagonal Basin of Trajan
City wall and Internal city wall
Baths of the Traveller and North-south mole
Mole of the Small Lighthouse, Small Lighthouse and Baths of the Small Lighthouse
Great Horrea of Septimius Severus and Porticus
Terrace of Trajan, Imperial Palace and Amphitheatre
Shipsheds and horrea
Horrea-baths and Horrea behind sides I-II-III of the hexagon
Temple of Liber Pater, Forum Vinarium and Torlonia relief
Villa Torlonia
Barracks of the Fire Brigade
Christian Basilica and Episcopium
Marble yard and Temple
Buildings behind side IV-V of the hexagon
The area around the Inner Harbour
Porticus Placidiana
Temple of Portumnus, Via Portuensis and aqueducts
[Text menu of individual structures]
Harbours of Claudius and of Trajan

[Clickable plans of individual structures]
Harbour of Claudius
Harbour of Trajan
History of the excavations
Religion in Portus
Late antiquity and early Middle Ages
Some reliefs of the harbour

Entrance to Portus

The entrance of the excavations. Photo: Raffaella.