In 2000 geophysical research, conducted by the German Archaeological Institute in Rome, directed by Michael Heinzelmann, led to the discovery of small baths to the south of the Navalia.
The west part of regions I and III with new discoveries, resulting from the geophysical research
by the German Archaeological Institute in Rome. Numbers indicate trenches. The baths are at number 29.
Plan: Michael Heinzelmann.The baths were lavishly decorated with marble. They may have belonged to a private domus. A stamp on a lead water-pipe shows that they were built by Clodius Celsinus Adelphius, Praefectus Urbi in 351 AD, and his wife Faltonia Betitia Proba. She was a Christian poet and author of the Cento virgilianus, a patchwork of lines of Virgil.
Adelphius and Proba were the parents of Quintus Clodius Hermogenianus Olybrius, who married Tyrrenia Anicia Iuliana. Iuliana was the sister of Anicius Auchenius Bassus, who wrote the epitaph of Monica, the mother of Augustinus, who died and was buried in Ostia. It is conceivable that Augustinus and his mother were guests in this house during their stay in Ostia.