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Regio II - Insula XII - Edificio a cortile porticato (II,XII)
(Building with a Porticoed Courtyard)

This building was probably excavated in the period 1938-1942 (the buried west part can be seen on a photo from 1913). The emergence of insulae II,III and II,XII in the 20th century is a bit enigmatic. The buildings are to the east of the Barracks of the Fire Brigade and the Baths of Neptune. Both are filled with earth and shrubs. All that we know about them is their plan, that suddenly appears on Gismondi's general plan in Scavi di Ostia I (1954), and their date: Hadrianic according to Scavi di Ostia I. On a plan from 1937 the two buildings are earmarked to be excavated in the years 1938-1942, in relation to the planned World Exhibition in Rome (EUR, Esposizione Universale di Roma).

The function of the Building with a Porticoed Courtyard is unknown. On the plan a large cistern can be seen, set against the outer south wall. The interior shows a striking resemblance with the plan of the Barracks of the Fire Brigade to the west. Were more Imperial troops stationed here?

Plan of the building

Plan of the building. After SO I.

Photos and plans

The location of insulae II,XII and II,III.
Photo: Google Earth, from the north-west.

A photo from 1913. To the left is the buried building II,XII.
Angeloni 2014, fig. 9.

A plan from 1937. The area of buildings II,III and II,XII is pink and earmarked for excavation.
Rinaldi 2012, fig. 1.

[jthb - 29-Apr-2022]