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Regio II - Insula IV - Portico di Nettuno (II,IV,1)
(Porticus of Neptune)

The Porticus of Neptune is the monumental facade, along the Decumanus, of blocks III, IV (Baths of Neptune) and VI. Behind the facade are shops. It was built in the Hadrianic period. In front of the Baths of Neptune (II,IV,2) two rows of piers were added c. 350 AD, perhaps after an earthquake in 346 AD.

Photos and drawings

The east part of the porticus, seen from the south-east. Photo: Klaus Heese.

The west part of the porticus, seen from the south-east. Note the medieval well in the middle of the street.
Photo: Klaus Heese.

Reconstruction drawing of the central part of the portico,
seen from the south-east. From Calza 1914, Tav. V.

[jthb - 30-Apr-2022]