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Regio III - Insula XI - Caseggiato III,XI,1

This Trajanic building (opus mixtum) consists of three shops along Via della Foce, behind which are some further rooms. In the east part is an external staircase, of which only the threshold is preserved. In the central shop and in the room to the south of the staircase is a masonry basin. The former has now disappeared completely. The latter basin suggests that the rooms behind the shops were not an apartment, but used for light industrial activity.

Plan of the building.
After SO I.


The complex seen from the south-east. Photo: Klaus Heese.

The complex seen from the east. Photo: Jan Theo Bakker.

The north-east shop seen from Via della Foce. Photo: Eric Taylor.

The central shop seen from Via della Foce. Photo: Eric Taylor.

[jthb - 4-May-2022]