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Regio IV - Insula IV - Forica IV,IV,4
(Public Latrine)

To the south of the Forum and the Temple of Rome and Augustus are a nymphaeum and a large public latrine. The latrine is c. 0.70 above the street-level. It was entered from the north-east. Along three walls are seats. For the seats marble sarcophagi and funerary inscriptions were reused. The opus vittatum of the latrine has been dated to the last quarter of the fourth century.

Plan of the latrine and
nymphaeum. After SO I.


General view of the latrine, from the north.
Photo: Jan Theo Bakker.

A seat made of a sarcophagus.
Photo: Underwood 2013, fig. 7.

[jthb - 5-May-2022]