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Regio IV - Porta Laurentina
(Laurentine Gate)

The Laurentine Gate belongs to the city walls of the first century BC. It received its modern name from the village Vicus Augustanus Laurentium, a small settlement a few kilometres to the south of Ostia. Beyond the gate was a huge necropolis, starting at a distance of c. 50 metres. The gate was excavated in 1938-1942.

Plan of the Porta Laurentina. SO I, fig. 26.

The gate consists of a single room, made of large tufa blocks. On the south side are grooves for the wooden doors. In the east side a hole has been preserved, in which a beam that blocked the door was inserted. On either side of the gate is a square tower, with sides of 5.85 metres.


The Laurentine Gate seen from the south. Photo: Klaus Heese.

[jthb - 5-May-2022]