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Villas - Aargau - Bad Zurzach-Brüggliwiesen-Entwiesen

This villa can be regarded as a suburban villa of Bad Zurzach (Tenedo). It is at locality Entwiesen, formerly called Brüggliwiesen, about 600 meters to the west of the town. It was already seen in the 17th century, and excavated in 1914-1915 by Karl Stehlin und Josef Villinger. A manuscript for publication was written, but never published. Katrin Roth-Rubi and Alfred Hidber then took this task upon themselves, and published the site in 1996.

Plan of the main building (A) and subsidiary buildings (B, C). Roth-Rubi - Hidber 1996, Abb. 7.

A main building (A) was found, behind a court created by a horseshoe-shaped wall, and two subsidiary buildings (B,C). There seems to have been an early building made of wood. The finds belong to the first and second century.

Plan of the main building. Roth-Rubi - Hidber 1996, Abb. 9.

In the main building two wings with tower-like projections were connected by corridor 16 (18.30 x 3.60 m.), with slit windows looking out onto the court. Room 2 must have been the main entrance. In the north part of the west wing were bathing rooms. Raised floors and heating pipes set against the walls were encountered in rooms 3 and 11, linked to an oven in room 12. Rooms 4 and 7 contained basins. Rooms 13-15 formed a separate unit. Behind corridor 16 was another courtyard or garden (17) with a well (23).


Roth-Rubi - Hidber 1996; Leibundgut 1996; Drack 1997.
