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Villas - Aargau - Seengen

In Seengen, directly to the north of the Hallwilersee, the remains of three villas have been found. Two of these, excavated partly in 1922, were located next to each other. One of the rooms in the northern villa had a hypocaust. The finds belong to the second and third century. It has been suggested that the northern building replaced the southern one, after a landslide. The northern building was destroyed by a fire.

Plan of the remains of the twin villas. Hartmann-Weber 1985, 200.

Of the third villa only a few walls and part of a mosaic were found. In 2021 a stretch of a Roman road of gravel, 7.40 m. wide, was discovered nearby, on the Hinterdorfstrasse.

The mosaic of the third villa in 1942. Photo: ETH library.

The excavations of the road in 2021. Photo: Kantonsarchäologie Aargau.


Jahresbericht der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 14 (1922), 80-83; Von Gonzenbach 1961, 214; Hartmann-Weber 1985, 199-200.
