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Villas - Aargau - Villigen-Schürmatt

In Villigen, some 10 kilometers to the north of Brugg, bathing rooms of a villa were found in 1958 at the locality Schürmatt. The excavators identified a caldarium (1), a tepidarium (2), a heated apodyterium (3), and a frigidarium (4) with a basin (5). Room 6 may have been a porticus. The remainder of the building must have been to the west. The building was erected in the first half of the first century and used until the early third century.

Plan of the excavations. JbSGUF, Abb. 41.


Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 47 (1958-1959), 197-198; Hartmann-Weber 1985, 204-205.
