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Cities, villages, fortresses - Bern - Allmendingen-Gümligenweg

In 2012 Roman burials were found in Allmendingen, to the south-east of Bern, on the Gümligenweg. Three inhumations and 22 cremations were investigated, from the second and third century. Some bodies had been cremated above the grave, others on a special location (ustrinum). Among the finds were brooches, mirrors and oil lamps. Metal fittings of chests were found. Of special interest were some terracotta grave gifts: a pair of horses (probably pulling a wagon) and two so-called Nursing Mothers (Matres Nutrices), divine protectors of motherhood. The horses were found in the grave of (probably) a woman who had died when she was between 30 and 40 years old, the Mothers in the grave of a woman between 40 and 50 years old.

The Nursing Mothers and the horses. Photos: Bacher 2013(1), 23.


Bacher 2013(1); Bacher 2013(2); Bacher-Cueni-Kühn 2017.
