In Köniz, directly to the south-west of Bern, remains of a villa have been investigated on many occasions since the 1970's. Aerial photos taken in 1998 show the plan of the main house. A porticus can be seen that is flanked by tower-like projections. The villa was built in the early third century and destroyed by a fire later in the same century.
Top: aerial photo taken in 1998 showing the plan of the main house. Bottom: plan of the main house based on the aerial photo and trenches.
Photo and plan: AKB 6A (2005), Abb. 278 and 282.A few small trenches were dug in 2003, and in one of these a polychrome mosaic emerged in the corner of a room. It was made in the early third century. The remainder of the mosaic awaits excavation by future generations.
The polychrome mosaic. Photo: Delbarre-Bärtschi 2014, Pl. 37.
Archäologie Schweiz 26,4 (2003), 38-39; Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte 87 (2004), 386; Archäologie im Kanton Bern 6A (2005), 212-222; Delbarre-Bärtschi 2014, 250, 321.