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Villas - Bern - Toffen-Bodenacker

At the end of the 19th century the bathing rooms of a villa were excavated at the locality Bodenacker in Toffen, some 12 kilometers to the south of Bern. In 1987 water conduits in the area were investigated.

Plan of the baths. Suter-Koenig 1990(1), Abb. 2.

Four heated rooms were found with a raised floor. At the south end was the frigidarium, with a staircase leading to a basin with a marble floor. In the frigidarium a polychrome mosaic was found with a vessel in the centre, surrounded by fishes and two dolphins (3.32 x 2.80 m.). It has been assigned to the second half of the second or early third century.

The mosaic with fishes and dolphins. Photo: Delbarre-Bartschi 2014, Taf. 50,4.


Jahresbericht des Historischen Museums in Bern 1894, 19-20; Von Gonzenbach 1961, 215-217; Suter-Koenig 1990(1).
