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Villas - Bern - Wiedlisbach-Niderfeld

At the locality Niderfeld in Wiedlisbach, to the north-east of Solothurn and a bit to the north of the river Aare, remains of a villa were investigated in 1913-1914, 1982, and 1988-1989. The rooms of the main house (B; 32.50 x 28 m.) were grouped around a courtyard in which seven postholes were found, suggesting a partial roof. To the west were small baths (A; 12 x 9 m.). The finds were dated to the second and third century.

Map of the area. A: baths; B: main house; C: Roman building?; D: barn? Schuler-Stöckli 1984, Abb. 3.


Jahresbericht der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 6 (1913), 134; Grütter 1964(2), 481-488; Schuler-Stöckli 1984; Drack-Fellmann 1988, 537; Bacher 1990; Drack-Fellmann 1991, 275-277.
