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Cities, villages, fortresses - Basel-Landschaft - Frenkendorf

In 1961-1962 a Gallo-Roman temple was excavated in Frenkendorf, to the south of Augst. It was built on the Schauenburger Fluh, a steep cliff, 350 m. above the valley.

View of the temple. Photo: Strübin 1974, 41.

The temple had a square cella, measuring 5.20 x 5.20 m, on a square podium with sides of 9 m. Nearby was a military building from the 17th-18th century.

Plan of the temple (A) and the later military building (B). Strübin 1974, 40.

Reconstruction drawing of the temple. Strübin 1974, 45.

Among the finds were 114 coins, from the middle of the first to the fourth century. Sixty-six of these, from the second half of the third century, were found in the cella.


Strübin 1974; Drack-Fellmann 1988, 397; Drack-Fellmann 1991, 120-121.
