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Villas - Fribourg (Freiburg) - Bösingen

In Bösingen, to the north-east of the Schiffenensee, the church of St. Jakob is standing on the remains of a villa. In 1906 three columns were found, one of marble, two of granite, 2.00-2.12 m. high. In 1950 a room with a hypocaust and mosaic tesserae emerged.

The room with a hypocaust and the columns in 1950. JbSGU 41 (1951), Taf. XII,2.

View of the church of St. Jakob. The columns can be seen behind the tree. Photo: Google Maps.

In 1983 fragments of paintings from a ceiling and from walls were found.

Fragment of a painting from a ceiling. Photo: Kühne-Menoud 1983, Abb. 44.


Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 41 (1951), 118; Kühne-Menoud 1983; Drack-Fellmann 1988, 369-370; Drack-Fellmann 1991, 85-86.
