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Villas - Fribourg (Freiburg) - Sorens-Les Gauderons

In 1958 a small part of a villa was excavated by Othmar Perler in Sorens, to the west of the Lac de la Gruyère. The remains were found in the gravel quarry Les Gauderons. A rectangular room was found (16.40 x 9 m.) containg a smaller room with a hypocaust (4.50 x 4.10 m.). A few fragments of paintings were found. The building was destroyed by a fire at an unknown date. Finds made nearby on the surface suggest the presence of buildings using an area of some 60 x 90 m.

Plan of the excavation. Perler 1960, Fig. 2.


Perler 1960; Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte 57 (1972-1973), 335-337.
