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Cities, villages, fortresses - Graubünden - Schiers

In Schiers, to the south-east of Liechtenstein, two small chapels were found in an early-Mediaeval cemetery. A rectangular chapel (7.70 x 5.50 m.), on top of a lime-kiln, belongs to the fifth century. In the interior was an altar. A chapel with an apse (7.60 x 5.00 m.) was built later, in the fifth or sixth century. Many burials (inhumations) were found around the chapels. The chapels have been called memoriae.

Plan of the site. Rageth 1988, Abb. 2.


Schneider-Schnekenburger 1980, 66-69; Overbeck-Pauli 1982, 147-149; Archäologie der Schweiz 9 (1986), 22; Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte 69 (1986), 277; Rageth 1987; Drack-Fellmann 1988, 501-502; Rageth 1988; Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte 73 (1990), 234; Drack-Fellmann 1991, 233-234.
