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Roads, mountain passes, quarries - Jura - Alle-Noir Bois - Porrentruy-Sous Roche de Mars

Between 1989 and 1995, in 2016 and in 2020 segments of a Roman road leading from Alle to Porrentruy were investigated. The foundation was 6.50-6.70 m. wide. The surface was made of gravel and flanked by ditches. The road was constructed in the middle of the first century, and repaired and used until the first half of the fourth century.

Excavation of the road in Porrentruy (Sous Roche de Mars) in 2016. Photo: République et Canton du Jura.

Excavation of the road in Porrentruy (Sous Roche de Mars) in 2020. Photo: République et Canton du Jura.

In Alle at the locality Noir Bois (Black Forest) a group of wooden buildings was found, most likely lodgings for military personnel. Many drinking vessels suggest the presence of a mansio, an inn. There was also a smithy. The buildings were in a quadrangular enclosure that was 70 meters wide. They were constructed during the reign of Augustus and abandoned in the years 70-80 AD, probably after a military victory by Vespasianus in 73/74 AD, when the borders of the Empire were extended eastwards. One small wooden building, about 120 meters to the east, was in use from about 260-270 AD to 335 AD. It may have been a military outpost.

Reconstruction drawing of the group of wooden buildings in Alle (Noir Bois). Demarez et al. 1999, Fig. 59.


Demarez et al. 1999; Jahrbuch Archäologie Schweiz 100 (2017), 238; 104 (2021), 188-189.
