In Flumenthal, to the north-east of Solothurn, a villa at the locality Attisholzwald was investigated as early as 1770-1771. There is some meagre documentation of other work from the early and late 19th century. A very limited excavation in the forest in 1955 and 1958 led to a plan and a reconstruction of the main house. It measured 42 x 38 m. and had a porticus (2) flanked by tower-like projections (4, 5). The ceramics were from the first to third century.
Plan of the main house. Degen 1959, Abb. 6.
Reconstruction drawing of the main house. Degen 1959, Abb. 7.
In 1979 a tiny part of a bathing room with a hypocaust was found to the west. In 2008 two more buildings were recognized near the main house (A) through remote sensing and a few trenches. A small building to the west (B) may be the baths found in 1979. To the south was a larger building (C), measuring at least 20 x 20 m.
Map of the geophysical research from 2008. Harb 2010, Abb. 2.
Anzeiger für schweizerische Alterthumskunde 7 (1892), 361, Taf. XXVII; Jahrbuch für Solothurnische Geschichte 32 (1959), 229-234; Jurablätter 21,2 (1959), 17-20; Degen 1959; Müller 1959; Harb 2010.