Introduction The settlement The baths Commerce |
The writing tablets Religion The fortress Burials |
In Eschenz tombs were found to the south of the settlement (nr. 8 on the general plan). In the tomb of a woman from the seventh century fragments of a reused terracotta tile with a graffito were discovered in 1829. The text had been written before the firing. Karl Zangmeister recognized lines from the Aeneid of Vergilius:
[O]ceanum interea
s[urg]ens Au(ro)ra reliquid
[Aenea]s qua[mq]ua(m) et so
[ciis dare] te[mpu]s h
[umandis]Oceanum interea surgens Aurora reliquit.
Aeneas quamquam et sociis dare tempus humandisMeanwhile surging Aurora left Oceanus behind.
Aeneas, although to give time for burying his comradesDrawings of the tile with the lines from the Aeneid, book 11,1-2. EDCS-75100024. Höneisen 1993, Abb. 142b. In Stein am Rhein part of a necropolis was excavated to the south-west of the fortress in 1969 and 1974. About 22 inhumations from the fourth century have been found. Amongst the grave goods were vessels of soapstone and many glass vessels.
Vessels of soapstone. Photos: Höneisen 1993, Abb. 109.
Some of the glass vessels. Photo: Brem et al. 2011, Abb. 265.An outstanding piece was a glass bowl decorated with a hunting scene in the amphtheatre and with the Greek text ΠIE ZHCAIC, "Drink, may you live". Two hunters are attacking a bear and panther with a spear. They also carry a sword. In the background is a (pine?) tree. To the left is a shield, to the right a quiver with arrows, below the scene another spear.
The hunting bowl. H. 0.062, diam. 0.222. Photos: Drack-Fellman 1988, Taf. 24 (top) and Kantonsarchäologie Schaffhausen (bottom).
The settlement
The baths
CommerceThe writing tablets
The fortress