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Cities, villages, fortresses - Vaud (Waadt) - Nyon (Colonia Iulia Equestris) - The amphitheatre

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The amphitheatre

In 1996 an amphitheatre was discovered in Nyon, to the north-east of the centre of the ancient city. Only the arena has been excavated (50 x 36 m.). Sandstone blocks were used for the superstructure. There was an entrance in each of the short sides. In the centre of each of the long sides was a small room (3.10 x 2.40), a "cage" for animals. Through the entire arena ran a drain, which carried water to the lake. It was 0.60 m. wide and 1.20 m. deep, and made of roof tiles. A second channel branched off from the main channel. The drains showed signs of repair, and limestone fragments of inscriptions were reused as building material. One of these was a dedication to Trajan from 111 AD (EDCS-11801066). The inscription must have been about four meters wide. It may have been mounted above one of the entrances to the amphitheater, but could also have come from an honorary arch.

The amphitheatre during the excavation. Photo: Musée romaine Nyon.

Detail of the drainage channels. Photo: Hauser-Rossi 1999, fig. 12.

After the excavation the remains were protected by a simple shelter. In August 2022 the city of Nyon decided to free 1.75 million francs for the further study and preservation of the amphitheatre.

The amphitheatre in 2020. Photo: Wikimedia, DarDarCH.

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Houses and workshops
The amphitheatre
