In Valais eleven (parts of) milestones have emerged. One, in Sion, records the distance to Aventicum (Avenches VD). It is from the reign of Trebonianus Gallus (251-253 AD). The others are from the first tetrarchy and from the reigns of Carus (282-283 AD) and of Constantine. They were found in Monthey, Saint-Maurice, Martigny, and Bourg-Saint-Pierre. When preserved well enough they record the distance to Martigny.
DD(ominis) NN(ostris) DI[ocl]ETIANO
ET MAXIMIANO [P(iis) F(elicibus)] inv]ICTIS
AVG(ustis) ET CONSTA[ntio] E[t] GAL(erio) MAX(i)MIANO
NOBILI(ssimis) CCA[e]S[s(aribus) bo]NO R(ei) P(ublicae) NAT[i]S
F(oro) CL(audi) VAL(lensium)
M(ilia) P(assuum) IIGranite milestone from 293-305 AD.
EDCS-09500275. H. 2.30, diam. 0.60.
Photo: Wiblé 2008, fig. 313.
Mottas 1980; Drack-Fellmann 1988, 621-623.