TOMB 34 (continuation)
During the excavations many fragments of sarcophagi have been found,
because a lot of arcosolia were closed with slabs from sarcophagi.
Some of the niches in the lower row still had their decorations.
Three of them are
now stored in the Ostian museum (inv. nrs. 10123, 10802, 10803).
The paintings are much similar to the ones in the "Insula
Volte Dipinte" in Ostia.
The themes are birds facing each other; birds in a landscape;
with cattle; marshes; hunting-scenes with deer; fishing cupids.
Almost every kind of funerary decoration from the end of the second and beginning
of the third century is here represented.
Although the perspective and the proportion of the limbs are rather
simplistic, the paintings radiate a bright vivacity.
to continue tomb 34)